Now that you understand roleplay, know the rules, and have
created a user account, creating your character is the most
important thing you will do here, so put a lot of thought into
The following is the character template, providing fields for
all the necessary information. You can add as much as you want
to it. You must fill all of the fields out when
you post your character profile, or you will be rejected!
Remember, you must first be approved by the administrator,
Stasis, before you are allowed to RP.
Character Name:
This is your character's full name.
How old the character is, of course.
Male, female, or none
You may only choose from the species listed on the
page. If playing a halfling, list both species, and if a
shapeshifter, describe your character's alternate form.
Everything about your character's looks, such as build,
height, weight, and skin color, as well as personality,
preferred style of clothing, etc.
Your character's history, how he ended up where he is
today, etc. This is very important, as your
character's past has a great effect on who he is today. Detail
important parts of your character's life and the things that
make him who he is now; what drives him; what he's after in
life. Even if he doesn't remember his past, "He doesn't
remember" or "Nobody knows" are horrible copouts and
not an acceptable history.
You may begin with up to 3000 tape (Daireem's exclusive
currency) worth of items, and any tape you don't spend will be
left in your inventory. If you wish to have simple things that
don't cost money (things that are basically meaningless and
assumed that a character already has, such as necklaces, bags,
etc.) in your inventory, list them exactly how you want them to
be named in your inventory and they will be added.
Ship type and name. (You can find a list of vehicles by clicking
the heading just above, or scroll up to the top of the page and
click "Vehicles" on the top navigation bar.) You may only start
with a "light" weight class vehicle, except under certain
unusual circumstances. (Please
discuss it with Stasis.) You can create your own ship if you
want, but remember that it must be considered a "light" ship,
and you must fill out information on the ship. See the
Community Vehicle
Design thread for templates.
When picking your character's equipment, if you're not a
total gun or knife nut, the terminology and sheer amount of
available items might be intimidating. Over time we will add
visual representations of each item on the items pages, but in the
meantime, Stasis may be able to help you choose your weaponry if
you just don't know. As always, send Stasis a private message
for help!
Now, copy the form and click "Next Step". This will take you
to the Join forum where you can post your character profile with
the "Add Topic" link.
- Getting Started
- General Rules
- RPG Rules
- User Creation
- Character Creation