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The Wrath of God

Peoples and Societies
The Furry Trio



The Enforcers; self-declared defenders of the law of space. The only problem being that there is no universally accepted law in space, so they've decided that not only do they keep the law, they also make it.

So how do you know if you're breaking the law? Basically, you don't. You can check with your local Enforcer outpost and read chapters upon chapters of legalese if you like, but it will have changed by the time you're done.

This is all slightly exaggerated and portraying them in a negative manner because that is how the common folk see the Enforcers; bullies who are just in it for the power. Although this is often true, there are technically more decent and fair Enforcers than there are corrupt and nasty ones, but you don't see them as much for exactly this reason.

Common Enforcer activity includes random ship scanning for "suspicious cargo", subsequently forcing the suspect to dock at a nearby Enforcer station for a cargo inspection; arrests on weapons or ship-modification violations, which may include having ship-mounted weapons they deem "too powerful" or just having too many, as well as equipment such as "above civilian-grade" scanners and sensor arrays; arrests on grounds of "dangerous hyperdrive usage", which usually constitutes entering or exiting hyperspace too close to other ships, space stations, or planets; and various others. Enforcers have been known to trace an ion trail and follow ships through hyperspace to make an arrest.

Enforcer craft are commonly highly upgraded interceptor vessels, equipped with racing engines, the very "above civilian-grade scanners and sensor arrays" that they have outlawed, and a cacophony of weapons as configured by the individual pilot for disabling, capturing, or downright destroying a suspect.

Enforcers go unloved by most blue-collar pilots and governments alike. Entire worlds--particularly Meeriad, Ellix, and Tonfe--have outlawed Enforcer presence, authorizing military and civilians alike to fire on them on sight. With a history of locking down superfreighters for over a week at a time for cargo inspection, some legitimate cargo hauling operations have even equipped their vessels with heavy weapons arrays to discourage Enforcer intervention.

Despite the hatred, the more level-headed and reasonable Enforcer personnel are apt to make the distinction between true wrong-doing and normal to even fringe activity, some going so far as to give obvious scavengers and smugglers free pass, despite breaking Enforcer-written law. These are the ones who truly make a difference in the rampant piracy and outright murder in the depths of space. Unfortunately for these noble men and women, the rest of the organization creates for them a thankless and even more dangerous job.