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Black, Keith
Conner, Jake
Fender, Tom
Gibson, John
Ibonek, Jango
Jesper, Tragis
Kirate, Megan
Knopfler, Jack
Storms, Chris
Suerton, Salvador
Tebler, Maurice
Walker, John Browning

John Gibson was born to Cliff and Tara Gibson in 4198 somewhere on Meeriad, but exactly where is a mystery. Some have claimed he came from some island east of Dankton that is now entirely submerged, but this is unlikely. Like most Meerians, he was home schooled and raised with firearms everywhere. Tales of his excursions detail an incredible level of marksmanship, but they are exaggerated.

At 18, he spent one semester in college, meeting Megan Kirate, who also had a great interest in shooting people, so they were great friends, however falling out of contact when John dropped out of college. At age 20, he enlisted in the Zanardio marine corps, but was injured in a "training accident" four years later and honorably discharged. Two years of drifting led him to the explorer/sometimes-mercenary Chris Storms, and they formed an unsteady alliance of mercenarying.

In 4223, he reunited with Megan Kirate, who joined Storms, Gibson, & Conner, and she has become his main squeeze. Marriage is the leading cause of divorce, so they have no plans to do that mess.

He and the rest of SG&C have always had this ship, and have been doing missions in space.