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Daireem - Wist |
Author | Comment |
Essasia Arc Knight 5/13/2008 1:18:01 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 11 | RE: Echos of the Sky Essasia seemed to think for a moment and shrugged causally as she gave the woman a bottle of water. It wasn't much, but she wasn't thirsty right right and besides she had another bottle. She smiled a little and turned out the down and started walking down the sidewalk, glancing back to see if Kasey was following or not - expecting her to be drinking the water. "A small stone may only make a small ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave." - Wiegraf Folles |
Stasis Hey Claudius... You killed my father. Big mistake. Dominion Master 5/13/2008 1:44:51 AM Level: 25 Experience: 65000 Total Posts: 691 | RE: Echos of the Sky Of course, Kasey was not drinking it—she unscrewed a cap from her right hip and poured the water into it, tapping the bottom to get every last drop out of it that she could, then replacing the cap and walking quickly to catch up with Essasia. She held the empty bottle out to see if Essasia wanted it back. Kasey: Thanks. She rearmed herself with the compact carbine and scanned her surroundings again. She spoke quietly. Kasey: How long have you been here, on Wist? |
Essasia Arc Knight 5/13/2008 2:17:05 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 11 | RE: Echos of the Sky She took it back and put it back in a small pocket in her robe, apparently made for holding water that kept it out of her way. She nodded at the thanks and looked around a bit as she continued onward. "At least a year... maybe more... I don't really remember. Been alone for at least six months though. What about you?" she replied in a quiet, but causal tone. "A small stone may only make a small ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave." - Wiegraf Folles |
Trit New User 5/14/2008 12:34:07 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 7 | RE: Echos of the Sky A loud bang was heard the sound of a pistol. Trit stood over the once vicious Rippov and smirked "the locals are so hostile here, I can't believe this brochure said this was a good vacation spot...". He held up a brochure for Wist that was dated 4200 I.C. "that may be why..." he said sarcastically. Truth is, Trit just wanted to go to Wist to see...well anything to be specific. "Now why in the world did I want to go here?" he pondered that for a while as he walked "oh yeah! to see if I can find any survivors". Trit sighed as he thought 'this fake optimistic behavior is not going to change the fact that the Rust Bucket crashed here it's only been about a week and I'm already beginning to lose hope not to mention food and water'. He walked past the convenience store Essasia and Kasey were in but did not notice them. He heard a noise from inside a ruined building and aimed his gun at it. Seven creeplings ran out from the building and tried to bumrush Trit. He shot one in the head but before he coudl fire another shot they swarmed him knocking the gun out of his hand. He repeated "In'akt" several times until the creeplings began to spazz and twitch on the ground uncontrollably. Trit although skillfull was barely able to hold them under the spell unable to move he jsut stood there with an expression of determination on his face as he concentrated on holding them. |
Essasia Arc Knight 5/14/2008 1:37:54 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 11 | RE: Echos of the Sky Sadly, before Kasey could answer, Essasia held a finger up to be quiet and looked around the corner just to see Trit get swarmed and then suddenly within a few moments they were frozen in place. Essasia didn't care to ask questions right now as she tossed the bag of supplies to a near-by wall and drew her sword as she darted to the group. "Namo hyanda!" The ancient black-metel blade frosted over, making it look like the blade had suddenly frozen as she began to strike at the creepers, and wih them staying so still, it wasn't that hard for her to do so. Most of them seemed to scream and twitch a little under the holding spell as larger gashes then even her sword was capable of appeared across their torsos, and one was even instantly frozen. The last she walked up to and causally slit it's throat and flug their blood from her blade, just to swing it at the frozen one to shatter it and put her blade away again. She sighed a bit and looked around with a cautious expression painted across her face. Slow she turned to Trit. "Are you all right?" "A small stone may only make a small ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave." - Wiegraf Folles |
Stasis Hey Claudius... You killed my father. Big mistake. Dominion Master 5/14/2008 10:10:18 PM Level: 25 Experience: 65000 Total Posts: 691 | RE: Echos of the Sky Kasey stayed behind, carefully awaiting from the corner. Essasia ran carelessly toward the group, while Kasey had no intention of involving herself in someone else's Rippov problems; she only half-watched the fracas, keeping most of her attention on her surroundings to ensure it wasn't an ambush. In her experience, fighting them only made matters worse. Dead Rippov meant more Rippov. Not only that, but she wondered how the party of creeplings had gotten here when she hadn't felt the tremors indicative of a rip hole, mostly considering she'd been in the city for a couple of days. Plus the city was dead... Why would they come up here? She felt uncomfortable. But then again, that's how she felt most of the time. She considered leaving the two and going on her own way, as she had for several months now. She found it hard to truly tell if it was beneficial or harmful to have company. A larger party meant higher chances of screwing up and drawing unwanted attention. Then it occured to her what she had just witnessed in the corner of her eye. Her pensive state was abruptly ended as her gaze snapped toward Essasia and the new guy. Kasey: ... Magic? |
Trit New User 5/15/2008 5:04:41 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 7 | RE: Echos of the Sky He looked up at her, his nose was bleeding, he grinned and said "just fine aside from a headache...". Trit snapped a coupld pictures of the dead Rippov with his camera, than one of Essassia. "Name 's Trit, you?" he said as he kneeled down next to a creepling. Trit began poking it and began to study it taking pictures waiting for an answer. |
Essasia Arc Knight 5/15/2008 9:03:20 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 11 | RE: Echos of the Sky "... Essasia. You should really be more aware though. There were only seven this time and only creeplings. You should be lucky they're only around for now ... anyways, that's Kasey." She turned to motion Kasey over, though still being highly aware herself as she knew just as much as Kasey did that these beasts were like cockroaches, and never seemed to ever die off. ((Might not be able to reply for a couple of days. Doing an overnight D&D session.)) "A small stone may only make a small ripple at first, but someday it will be a wave." - Wiegraf Folles |
Stasis Hey Claudius... You killed my father. Big mistake. Dominion Master 5/16/2008 2:40:02 PM Level: 25 Experience: 65000 Total Posts: 691 | RE: Echos of the Sky Kasey approached them. Kasey: I propose we get out of the middle of the street. She had a bad feeling about this guy, getting himself into a fight with a pack of creeplings. She'd survived far too long to get screwed over by someone else's foolishness, and Essasia's mild admonishment felt far too light on him. Kasey: Essasia, we need to go to your place. Things are going to go to pot right fast when they find them. She pointed at the circle of dead creeplings, and then glanced toward the sky. Skimmers would be a nightmare. |
Trit New User 5/16/2008 11:44:38 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 7 | RE: Echos of the Sky He looked over his shoulder at them "sounds like a good idea, I've killed several other Rippov -that is waht they're caled right?- and it's just like adding rocket fuel to a bonfire.". He snapped a quick picture of Kasey as he reloaded his gun "I'm ready to go any time you guys are". Trit looked aroudn them back at them "by the way, know where I can get any ship parts? I kinda crashed here several days ago.." |
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