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Active Plots (Alphabetical) - Updated 8/21/2010 |
Can't I Have Any Time? - (Eruantion Doriath [?], Amonost Doriath [?]) |
End of Solitude - (Verda Stelo [?]) |
No More Grape Soda - (Alex Dean [?], Samuel Jorgenson [?], Leon Mecheeto [?]) |
Questionable Means - (Tawny Black [?], Ishkan Ma'z) |
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Daireem - Cerania |
Author | Comment |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 3/26/2010 1:41:33 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | Questionable Means This story originated here. Ishkan awoke to the sound of a light beep that was going off about once every thirty seconds. He yawned and opened his eyes, staring at the ceiling. There was a flashing yellow light near the back ramp, that was flashing with the beeps. Ishkan tossed the covers off of him, and made his way up to the cabin to see what the deal was. "Approaching Destination: Will Be Arriving Within One Hour" it scrolled. Ishkan hit a button below where the text was scrolling, letting the system know he saw the message. He couldn't believe he had just slept about 11 hours, but then thought about how long it had been since he had gotten a decent sleep. He decided he'd let Tawny sleep, if she even was still asleep, untill they reached the planet. No need to make her wake up till she had to. It'd been a long couple of days. |
Fyrewyre 3/26/2010 6:13:43 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means Tawny groaned as consciousness slowly forced itself back into her mind. The sweet blackness that was sleep being forced away and replaced with a blurry vision of the inside of the ship. Tawny blinked a few times, her robotic eye readjusting after a moment but her human eye took a bit more effort. If it weren't for the fact that doing so would be incredibly stupid, Tawny would have replaced it with a second robotic one a long time ago. Tawny pushed herself into a sitting position and looked around the ship. She smacked herself in the face, winced, and made a note to make sure not to use her robotic hand for such an act in the future. Yawning, she stood up and walked to the front of the ship. "Morning." She muttered to Ishkan before sitting down. "I think." She added as an afterthought. |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 3/28/2010 11:32:24 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | RE: Questionable Means "Close enough. Morning, sunshine." Ishkan said at her, stifling his own yawn behind a hand. "Not to much longer." he said after he finished his yawn. It didn't take them long to get to where Ishkan had to take over for the auto pilot. Newer ships allowed auto-piloting closer to the planets, but seeing as how thiers was older, it was finicky. Within the hour, they were requesting permission to land at one of the local space ports, and preparing to disembark. Even before the ramp was down, Ishkan could hear the sounds of ships racing past. This planet was abounding in buying, selling, trading, and racing of ships. If they couldn't find a ship to suit their needs here, they had no chance. Ishkan hit the hatch release, and the back ramp lowered with a groan. The engines were still popping and hissing with the sound of heat, after their long flight. Ishkan gave a silent thanks that they had gotten them as far as they did. |
Fyrewyre 3/29/2010 12:18:52 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means As the sounds of ships flying around filled her ears, Tawny's mind briefly clung to a memory nearly forgotten. Two people, on the run, in need of a fast ship with no ID. It faded before she could think about it too much. Slinging a backpack over her shoulder, during the time when she had been awake she had been packing the bags with what she could in case they couldn't come back to the ship for some reason, and handed the other to Ishkan as the ramp hit the ground. "You ready?" When he gave his affirmative Tawny nodded and turned to look forward. "Well, a ship hunting we will go, then." |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 4/7/2010 9:04:42 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | RE: Questionable Means Ishkan stepped off the ship and closed it up, locking it behind them. They were in an open-air hangar/platform with several ships on either side of it. People were loading and unloading cargo onto their respective ships. There was a line of people down a few spaces, waiting to board a transport vessel. The sky above them was filled with ships racing to and fro. It looked like organized chaos. Lines of ships going in directions, leading to all sorts of places out of sight. The buildings around them towered, and looked as if they might be blown over by a whisp of wind. Most of them were owned by ship manufactures and retailers. "Well, first things first... selling this piece of junk." Ishkan said, nodding his head back towards the small pirate vessel. He walked over to a man, who was sporting an orange vest and sunglasses. There was a sign next to him that said, "Information" in the same orange. "Hi." Ishkan said simply as he walked up. The man nodded to him. "I was wondering where I might be able to sell a ship for scrap, or parts. It's not good for much else." he asked the man. "Well, there are a couple of places that you could have luck selling it. There is a place just inside, down one floor, that buys used ships. There's usually a representitive nearby. In fact, I think Henry is just about to start his shift. He'll be walking around somewhere between here and there, looking for people, such as yourself, wishing to sell their ship." the man paused, "In fact, there he is now." There was a man in a black uniform with "Henry" over the right breast, in gold letters. He was walking towards them. "Hey John!" Henry called out. "Henry! Good to see you. I think these people here would like to talk to you." John replied, nodding to Ishkan and Tawny. "Very good. Which one is yours?" Henry said, turning to them. Ishkan pointed it out. "Sounds good. Alright, come with me to the office. We'll get you taken care of. Thanks John!" Henry nodded as he turned, leading Ishkan and Tawny down one floor to the office John had told them about. |
Fyrewyre 4/8/2010 12:21:19 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means Sticking close to Ishkan, Tawny absently looked around the area. It was all familiar, but she couldn't stick any specific memory to it. The sounds of the ships flying overhead faded to a dull roar as they went lower. And Tawny subtly switched to scanning the places around. Henry herded the two of them into a room, where there was a desk, some chairs, a stack of pamphlets, and a water cooler. Tawny and Ishkan sat down in the two chairs while Henry walked around to the other side and sat, looking at them. "Now," Henry said. "Let's get down to business." He took out a padd and brought up an info screen. He then looked at them expectantly. Tawny got a small feeling that she'd been in this situation before. It passed when Henry asked a question, "What do you think is salvageable in your ship?" "Well," Tawny said before Ishkan could open his mouth. "As far as hardware goes most of the flight controls are fried. Life support and artificial gravity are ninety percent at best, and internal heating is just barely above 'livable'." She nodded to Ishkan. "He'll fill you in on the hull." |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 4/8/2010 11:12:28 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | RE: Questionable Means "Well, the engines seem to take a little bit to warm up, but they seem to be decent. They got us here without any hassle, from Tecom. The auto-pilot also works well." he paused, "As for the hull, we had to patch it before coming here. It's starting to fall apart a little here and there. The seals around the hatch are still good, and the wings seem okay." Ishkan finished. "Alright, so we're talking 50-65 percent usability for spare parts on an old ship." Henry paused, punching some calculations into the pad. After a moment or two, he looked back up at them. "The best I can offer is 4,500." "I think that would be agreeable. Tawny?" Ishkan said, turning to get Tawny's opinion. |
Fyrewyre 4/9/2010 9:24:21 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means Tawny nodded. "That seems reasonable." It was actually a bit better than she'd thought it would be. She nodded to Henry. "Okay, we accept. Do you know a place where we can get a good ship relatively cheap?" Henry nodded, he probably got that question a lot, and typed a few things in on is pad. "Yes, there's Leo, I think that's what he's calling himself these days, he used to sell and modify ships without tracers way back when. Nowadays he's just known for selling affordable ships." Tawny and Ishkan glanced at each other and then looked back at him. "Could we get some directions?" Henry nodded, taking a smaller pad out of his desk. "This has a map to his place programmed into it, we get a lot of people wanting to see him, it has the capability for other things but I'm required by company policy to tell you to figure them out on your own." Tawny took the pad from his hand and brought it online. "Strange policy." She commented before showing the map to Ishkan. "This isn't too far from here." Henry nodded. "We'll just finish our transaction and then you two can get on your way." |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 4/13/2010 11:57:13 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | RE: Questionable Means 2,250 added to Tawny's account. After the transaction was complete, they headed down a couple of floors to where a series of catwalks and elevators that lead to different buildings. Leo's was down-south west, so the unsurprisingly went in that direction. It didn't take them long to get to Leo's. He was on the 27th floor of a massive building. As they stepped through the front door, there was a small "show room" if you could call it that, with a large hangar door on one end. The show room had two ships in it, both looked to be in about as good of shape as the one they had just sold. A man came out of a corner office with a black polo shirt and jeans on. The jeans were covered in grease, and Ishkan could only assume the polo shirt was as well. He had a plastic name badge on that said "Leo", which was also covered in grease. "Sorry, we're out of most anything decent right now. But, I'll gladly sell you one of these if you're lookin' to get off world real quick like." Leo said to them as he walked up wringing his hands with a towel. |
Fyrewyre 4/14/2010 12:33:26 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means "Ah, the friendly attitude of underworld scum." Tawny commented with a wry smirk as she sized Leo up, there was something about him that seemed vaguely familiar. She stepped up to him and held out her right hand for him to shake before Ishkan could do anything. "We're not in that much of a hurry, but we'd like something fast and not too pricey. And as a personal preference I'd like to be able to do some add-ons later on without too many complications." Tawny let out a short chuckle. "In other words, we can wait a bit." Leo shook her hand firmly and looked her in the eye, having to look downward as he was quite a bit taller than her, and seemed to be studying her briefly. His eyes bore into hers for several moments outside of her comfort zone, but eventually he dropped her hand and took a step back. "Well, there's no guarantee as to when we'll get new ships, could be tomorrow could be next month. So the best you two could do is get jobs to pass the time and wait for one to pop up." "And where would we get jobs?" Tawny asked, raising an eyebrow behind her hair, her mechanical eye whirred quietly. "Well, I'm always in need of assistants." Leo gave a small grin and Tawny felt the urge to punch something small and cute. She hated it when people were condescending to her. "Heh, yeah, no." Tawny fixed him with a hard stare. "I've spent the past seven years as a mechanic for a living, the most recent three of them being a highly recommended one, I am not an assistant." Ishkan stepped up next to her and she nodded at him, she knew she was cutting him out of the conversation, but she doubted he knew how to talk with a mechanic of questionable nature. Leo spent another few moments looking her up and down before chuckling. "Tell you what, I'll try you out as a mechanic. If you don't live up to what you just hyped yourself as, then you play by my rules." He held out his hand. "Deal?" Tawny looked his hand over, thinking about it. She then took it and shook. "Deal." When she let go of his hand, she noticed Ishkan giving her a strange look. "What?" She asked innocently. "It's not like we can afford anyone else. And I happen to like working with ships." |
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