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Daireem - Perrenor
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
7/9/2007 3:56:33 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

About twenty minutes later, they pull up to a big gate. They can't see anything beyond it--not even trees. There's a tower on both sides of the gate, occupied by two men each--one with a battle rifle, the other with a scoped rifle. There are four men at ground level as well, each armed with a different weapon, including an AR15 with M203. One of them has some sort of rocket launcher slung on his back.

Alex: What do they keep in there? King Kong?

Everybody else rolls their eyes, and Gral down his window.

Guard: What's your business?
Gral: Pu cleared me. Password is Myiro.
Guard: Right.

He steps away from the car and makes a rolling gesture with his arm to the other guards. They open the gate.

Guard: Take care.

They pull through the gate and onto a fresh, narrow concrete path. Everything to the sides of the path is flat dirt. Just dirt.

Another set of walls is in the distance. Gral gets impatient and floors the accelerator, nearly reaching the highest number on the speedometer: 80.
Sam: I've raced garbage trucks that went faster than this.
Valerie: You've raced garbage trucks?
Sam: You haven't? You never LIVED girrrrlll!
Valerie: ... Please stop that.
Sam: I'll do what I feel like I wanna do! Gosh!
Alex: Yeah, right! Flippin' intards!

Valerie's eyelids twitch.

Alex: Hey!

He reaches around his seat and smacks her leg.

Alex: Lighten up, yo!
Valerie: I don't want to.
Alex: Meh meh meh meh! You're going to have a heart attack at 25.
Valerie: I'm 27.
Alex: ... What? Oh. Holy slag, really? I figured you were like, anime 18, or something.
Valerie: ... Huh?

Alex stares straight ahead through the windshield and doesn't answer. Valerie closes her eyes and starts counting to 300, but only reaches 83 when they get to the prison itself. Even more guards are standing at the prison gate. Gral rolls down his window again.

Guard: Could you please pull to the side and step out of the vehicle? We're going to have to check all of you for weapons.

Gral nods and pulls off the concrete path, onto the dirt, and kills the engine. Alex unbuckles his thigh holster, setting it on the floorboard, and puts his Delica in the center console. Valerie takes off her coat, stowing it on the floorboard, shrugs off her shoulder holsters, takes off her belt, dropping her butterflies and Clinch Pick as she removes the belt from the loops, and tosses her Szabofly in the resulting pile. Dave looks over the top of his sunglasses at it. Meanwhile, Sam is digging around his many pockets to find any knives, guns, or grenades he might be keeping. He is surprised when all he finds is a Lern 42, which he shoves into the pocket in the back of the front passenger seat. Gral got out of the van long ago without removing anything. Sam looks back at Fate and Leon.

Sam: You guys coming?
Leon: No.
Sam: Alright. See ya.

The door slides shut and the tinnitus in their ears takes over.

One of the guards approaches Gral.

Gral: You're not touching me.

The guard stands face to face with Gral, looking unconvinced.

Gral: You can ask Pu.

The guard raises an eyebrow and turns to another one.

Guard: Call Pu.

He turns back to Gral.

Guard: What's your code?
Gral: Myiro.

The guard has a short conversation on a nearby phone. After hanging up, he nods at the guard standing in front of Gral.

Guard: Alright, go on through. We have to check the rest of you.

Gral walks silently through the gate. Alex almost feels betrayed. After being patted down without incident, they all go inside and follow Gral to a visiting room. A kiefan in a bright blue and green prison uniform is sitting on a metal chair inside. Leaning against a wall to the prisoner's left is an orc in a three piece suit. Alex considers how odd that is.
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
7/13/2007 10:13:24 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

Gral: Mr. Yeake.

The kiefan just looks at Gral.

Gral: You know your wife is dead, right?

The kiefan squints and his brow furrows.

Gral: Well, now you do. It has something to do with Grape Soda.

The kiefan shoots a sideways glance at the orc leaning against the wall, then looks back at Gral.

Gral: You're going to tell me how to find Jessica Pijtes--or anyone in the family.
Meiyk: Why?
Gral: So I can end this bullslag.
Valerie: And your wife's murder might have some meaning.

Meiyk looks at Valerie.

Meiyk: Who are you?
Valerie: I'm who found your wife's body, stabbed to death and shoved in a cupboard. A notepad in her pocket led me to Perrenor, where I found Jessica, who subsequently tried to have me whacked, and then disappeared, wiring her apartment with lots and lots of explosives.
Gral: The Pijtes killed Katya.
Sam: Not to mention we found what I assume is "Grape Soda" in a briefcase on Flistna. Funny though, 'cause back when we found it I said it's probably just grape soda.
Alex: You know, literally grape-flavored soft drink.
Sam: Yeah.

Meiyk stares at the floor.

Gral: We're not getting younger.
Meiyk: Shut up. I'm thinking.

He keeps on a-starin'.

Meiyk: Your best bet is Frank Palatoni. He's on Perrenor; lives in Kendill. He's a peon, so they probably didn't cut him out after I was arrested, but he knows everyone. He's Buddy's errand boy, but he spends most of his time DJing at a strip club called Natasha's.

Valerie looks angered.

Valerie: ... Who's Buddy?
Meiyk: Jessica's brother. He's not a big player in the family, but he knows everything they do.
Valerie: Do you have something for me to show Frank to prove I talked to you?

Meiyk looks at Valerie curiously and mumbles something to himself.

Meiyk: ... Katya probably kept the... the Thinker clock.
Valerie: What are you talking about?
Meiyk: Frank gave me a little statue, like a copy of The Thinker, a long time ago. It just looked like a statue, but when you pressed down on its head, a little speaker told the time.

Valerie thinks that sounds stangely familiar. She shrugs it off.

Meiyk: I have the oddest feeling you've already been in my house, so it shouldn't be too hard to get back in and take my Thinker clock.

Valerie smiles.


Valerie sighs, settling into the bean bags in the Spacehawk's cockpit. This is bullslag, flying nine hours both ways just to talk to some guy for ten minutes.

Alex turns his chair toward her after entering hyperspace.

Alex: Why did you let Leon and Fate go?

Valerie stares back with the most dumbfounded look.

Valerie: What the heck are you talking about?
Alex: Umm...

He blinks, thinking hard about what he just said. Did he just slip up badly? Did that never happen? Would she go into the back and cap them both right here, right now?

Valerie: Leon... and... Fate...? OOOHHHH. Oh oh oh oh oh. Heh. Oh. Frankly, I haven't a gorram clue.

She stands up and places a hand on the hilt of her sword while nonchalantly reaching for the door.


While stumbling, he freaks around the chair, trying to find his Five-Seven.

Valerie: I. That was... I was kind of, you know, joking.

She scratches her head.

Valerie: ikindofthoughtitwasfunny. But no, I really have no idea why. But I probably had a reason, so uh yeah.

She drops to the beanbags.

Valerie: Don't look at me!

She lifts her copy of the Dr. McNinja book to cover her face.


The man pulls the rifle out of the case and points it at Alex.

Man: I don't like it when people screw with my family.
Alex: I'd like to know what the heck you're talking about before I die.

Alex looks completely relaxed.

Man: Two years ago, you killed my two brothers!
Alex: I'm sorry, I'm a little fuzzy on that since a kill pairs a lot.

There's a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

Man: Don't screw with me! You know who I am. You remember what happened three years ago.
Alex: I assume you're referring to the people who ripped me off, tried to ship human cargo, and killed my woman. So what would you have done if you were in my position?
Man: It doesn't matter.
Alex: Why not? You'd just sit back and let them kill you after watching your girlfriend die in front of you? Put the gun down and get out of here before I kill you too.

Alex knows he'd get riddled full of holes before he could draw his pistol, but he's pretty good at bluffing. Meanwhile, he's noticed the woman creeping up his loading ramp with a gun. She pointed it at the man threatening Alex.

Woman: I don't think that is the best idea right now.

The man turns, the rifle turning with him. In an instant, Alex draws his Five-Seven and puts a hole in the man's head. Alex wakes up. When he finally figures out he's awake a few seconds later, he smiles.

Alex: That was pretty cool, if poorly written.

He tilts the seat forward. He had fallen asleep in the pilot's seat. The pro-sanity shields are open and they're floating dead in space. Dang! He looks at his watch. Huh. Only wasted about six minutes. Perrenor is in sight. He pimp slaps the throttle and heads for the ugly world.

Minutes later, he has landed. Another 50 tape to land in this shoddy butt-starport. Everybody gathers in the cargo bay.

Alex: It's 3:08.
Valerie: I doubt Frank's working yet.
Alex: Why?
Valerie: Because that's not his shift.
Alex: ... How do you know?
Valerie: Uh, because he's my uncle.

Sam laughs hard.

Valerie: But that's okay. It gives me time to go get the statue.
Sam: Alex and I will go hang out at the strip club.
Alex: We will?
Alex: Yes, it's true!

He cries so well, an Academy Award spawns in his hands.

Valerie runs out. Leon and Fate follow at a similar rate of speed.

Sam: Come on, dude. Let's go bowling.

Sam, Alex, and Gral head out to find a bowling alley.


An hour later, the crew has synchronized their watches and met at Natasha's at 4:16. Frank's shift has indeed started. Valerie goes in alone, through the back entrance she used earlier, and pulls Frank into the same back room.

She holds up the Thinker clock threateningly.

Valerie: I talked to Meiyk.
Frank: Dirt.
Valerie: I need you to tell me where to find Buddy.
Frank: What?! No.
Valerie: You have no idea what you're messing with. Tell me where to find Buddy.
Frank: Dang it, Val, I haven't talked to Buddy in two years. He's gone! Went to work with some goobermint organization on Flistna. Security summin' or other. I don't know.
Valerie: Fine. Any of the Pijtes family, then.
Frank: Well, heck. Jessica lives in Yasiere.
Valerie: Not anymore.
Frank: Eh?
Valerie: She tried to kill me and then ran off, then tried to kill me again.
Frank: What the cripes? Valerie, did you get stupid and take a bounty on the whole dang Pijtes family or what? Jeez!
Valerie: No. That girl I found dead on that transport--you know, the one you "might have hooked up with"--was killed because of something they're doing.
Frank: Oh. Wow. Woohoo, that's the mafia for you.
Valerie: No. I met four people from Flistna and Gral Myiro, all coming for Jessica. It's not a coincidence, and there's something serious going on.
Frank: Flistna?
Leon Mecheeto Brothers in Arms
7/15/2007 3:13:18 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 45
RE: Why do I care?

Leon fidgets uncomfortably. He has been waiting outside the club with everyone else while Valerie had gone inside.

He didn't like that Gral was now tagging along with them, but it seemed he had bigger fish to fry at the moment... which was good for them.

The burly man wearing the "SECURITY" shirt at the door had been watching the group loitering for some time now. Visibly aggitated, he finally waves his hand toward them.

Burly Man: Hey, you need to either come in or leave. No loitering.
Sam: Hey, listen, pal. We're waiting for someone--
Leon: Let it go. We'll wait over there.

They head to the other side of the street, followed reluctantly by Sam.

Alex: Now that was some story progression.
Sam: Shoot.

He clamps a fresh toothpick between his lips.

Inside, Valerie was continuing her conversation with Frank.

Valerie: Uncle Frank.

She pauses a moment to let that sink in.

Valerie: You've got to help me out here.

Frank grits his teeth and glances around for a second. He sighs and leans closer to Valerie.

Frank: Okay, to be honest, I do occasionally hear from Buddy. I manage a couple of his investments here. He's never told me exactly where he is, but you know me--I can't help but want to find out. I've traced some of his communications back to a city called Yoakam on Flistna. I can't tell you any more. Probably all the bouncers in here are paid to keep my mouth shut. Now get out of here.

Frank wasn't entirely wrong, but it was, rather, one of the strippers who was hired to keep his mouth shut. And it just so happens she heard every word of their conversation.

Frank should've kept his dadgum mouth shut. Now she needed to do something quickly because that red-headed woman was making her way back to the rear exit.

She inconspicuously heads back to her dressing room, putting on a pair of leather pants and a ragged black cut-off tank top that is way too small. She quickly opens a footlocker and pulls out a belt lined with throwing knives. She clips it around her waist and heads out the back after Valerie.

She gets out in time to see Valerie round the corner of the building, entering the side alley. She runs silently to the corner and peeks around. Valerie does not seem wary of any danger as of yet. She is just walking toward the street.

The stripper-assassin draws two knives and stealthily moves up behind Valerie.

Valerie feels the hair on the back of her neck stand up. She looks up quickly and then turns around to see two knives making their way to the carotid in her neck. She manages to knock one aside but the other manages a gash in her right shoulder. Surprised, Valerie rolls across the alley right into a pile of garbage bags. She grabs a bag that falls on top of her and heaves it at her assailant, knocking her off balance. She throws a knife at Valerie, but her shoddy timing causes it to miss completely.

Hearing the commotion, the others appear at the end of the alley and take in the situation. Fate, Leon, and Gral draw their sidearms simultaneously and open fire. The assassin draws her largest knife and swings it laterally in front of her, deflecting the bullets.

Leon's expression shows disbelief.

Still lying on the trash bags, Valerie grabs her P229 from its shoulder holster and unloads the thing into the assassin's side... to no avail.

Reaching slide lock, Gral releases it and holsters. He then draws his Mercworx Sniper knife from beneath his trenchcoat and dashes, roaring, to the assassin. She sends her smaller throwing knife like a dart straight at Gral's chest. It lands, embedding itself half an inch deep. It, however, doesn't seem to faze him. He brings his massive blade down on the assassin's head, but she deflects with her larger knife, all the while drawing another knife and slashing across his chest, making note of the lack of blood. He must be wearing armor of some sort. Gral pulls the knife out of his chest with his free hand as the assassin attempts a head shot. He catches her blade between his two and overpowers her, sending her blade reeling across the alleyway. She dodges one of his thrusts and pulls another knife, slashing Gral's forearm.

Gral grunts and delivers a spinning elbow first-class to the woman's face, knocking her on her hind-quarters. She grabs a handful of dirt and tosses it in Gral's eyes.

Leon: Gral! Move!

Gral stumbles aside and Leon fires two shots at the assassin. With inhuman speed, she grabs a knife and deflects the rounds, rolling to gain momentum to stand back up. She tosses something small--a stone perhaps--onto the roof of the strip club. A moment later, she vanishes entirely.

Fate helps Valerie onto her feet. She brushes herself off.

Valerie: That was weird.

Leon and Gral shoot her a no kidding! look. They hear quick footsteps fading away somewhere above.

Sam twirls the toothpick in his mouth.

Sam: Huh. Don't see that too much.
Alex: What?
Sam: I think it's pretty obvious she was using magic.
Alex: Slag! Wouldn'tcha know it?!

Gral reloads his MK23 and re-holsters it.

Leon: We need to move. She's undoubtedly preparing another strike.

Gral sheathes his Sniper and sticks the knife he got from the woman in his belt.

Valerie looks stunned suddenly, almost as if something large and heavy but invisible struck the side of her head.

Valerie: Slag! She's gone to kill Frank!

She dashes back down the alley toward the rear of the building. The others pursue.

With adrenaline-fueled rage, she kicks in the back door, sending the broken knob and some splinters of wood across the room. P229 in-hand, she runs toward Frank. Alex and Sam enter behind her, trying to look inconspicuous despite entering through the doorway a mad red-headed chick just broke down.

Outside, Gral and Leon are scaling separate buildings for better views. Fate remains at street-level to cover the exit.

Valerie grabs Frank's wrist.

Valerie: You're coming with me.
Frank: What the--? Val--the heck?
Valerie: I was almost assassinated in the alley right outside. I have no reason to believe that she won't try to kill you.

She tugs, but Frank resists.

Valerie: Come on! I'm serious!

She yanks, pulling him straight out of his seat, knocking it over. He finally gives up and follows her.

Valerie: Go! Move! We need to get out of here!

Sam and Alex hustle out the back door followed by Valerie and Frank.

Leon: Clear.
Gral: Clear.
Fate: All clear down here too.

Leon and Gral climb back down and join the others on the way to the spaceport. Their stress levels fall the more distance they put between themselves and the strip club.

Gral: What did you find out?
Valerie: I found out Buddy is in a city called Yoakam on Flistna and that he works for some security-related government agency.
Alex: So I guess it's next stop: Flistna! Yay! I hope that doesn't send us back here. I'm tired of paying their stupid docking fee.
Frank: Val, who tried to kill you?
Valerie: She looked like one of the dancers. The black-haired one that was closest to you while we were talking.
Frank: Slag... That's Amber. She always works near me.

He gets a chill.

Frank: And she's a mob assassin... Who'da thunk? That's jus' creepy.
Valerie: Presumably she works for the mob.
Frank: The mob don't take failure lightly. She's not goin' t' just give up, I doubt.

As if on cue...

nothing happens.

They enter the spaceport.
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
7/15/2007 9:28:49 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

Frank: I'm dead. I'm so dead.
Valerie: You're not dead.
Frank: I'm dead. That broad is gonna tell Michael all about me and then I'm just going to drop dead.
Alex: Leon, do me a favor and check all the unsealed crates and the engine compartment for strippers.

Leon nods and proceeds to scour the ship.

Valerie: Why the cheese are you still in with the mafia, anyway?
Frank: Come on, Valerie. I'm a scumbag, and everyone knows it. What else am I going to do?
Valerie: Be a lawyer or used car salesman.
Frank: I guess...

Frank looks at the floor dejectedly.

Frank: Why aren't you a scumbag, hangin' with me and Robbie and them when you were a kid?

Valerie shrugs.

Valerie: Well, I am. I ruin lives and kill people for money. Bad people, I'm told, but who knows?
Frank: Eh. Not scummy enough to be a bag.

Leon enters the cockpit.

Leon: We are stripper-free.
Alex: Good. Let's blow this dump.

He contacts control and rises into the airlock, which subsequently opens into the poisonous atmosphere. The Spacehawk quickly gains altitude until it reaches the exosphere, where it pierces reality and takes the onramp to hyperspace.

Seconds later, it once again pierces reality and Flistna is visible as the PSSs retract.

Alex: Refreshing!

He chugs a Mountain Dew with one gulp.

Alex: Aaahhhh!

He crumples it and throws it in the trash can to his left, which is overflowing with nothing but Mountain Dew cans. The ship is taken down to Flistna, and they land free of charge at Jorgenson Ship Dealers.

Sam: HOME!

He flops to the ground.

Alex: Not coming?
Sam: No, I'm coming, I just had to do that first.
Alex: Oh.

There's a long pause.

Alex: Hey, you know what's cool?
Sam: Yes, but probably not what you're thinking of.
Alex: We're not on the TCF hit list right now.
Sam: That's right!
Alex: That means we can dump these bozos--

He gestures toward Dave and Carl.

Alex: --so they can continue getting you money!
Dave and Carl: Sweet!
Sam: Awesome.
Alex: See ya!
Dave and Carl: Bye!

They bound off toward the main office, where they realize what a huge mistake they just made and that their lives are worthless.

The Spacehawk has already blasted off.


Alex: We're here. Time to scour the biggest city on the planet for one man!
Valerie: Shouldn't be too hard.

She points at a billboard which bears the face of a young man baring his sparkly white teeth. The billboard reads "BUDDY PIJTES FOR MAYOR!"

Alex: ...
Valerie: ...
Diana: ...
Alex: ...
... That's retarded.
Diana: Quite.
Alex: Well, alright. Diana, find me a place to land.
Diana: Oh fine. There is, in fact, a starship parking garage to your left. You can see it from here.
Alex: Sweet!

They land. Free of charge. Oh yes. Alex walks into the windowless cargo bay once again. He jumps into an excited position with all limbs outstretched and an awesome smile on his face.

Alex: Guys!
Everyone: Alex!
Alex: We're in Ledoux, and there's a billboard with Buddy Pijtes's ugly mug on it! Let's go!

They run out.
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
7/17/2007 1:34:54 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

Everybody exits the Spacehawk.

A man is standing before them. He looks peeved, and he's holding two M1911s at his side.

Valerie: Hah!
Man: Hah!
Valerie: What's your name, again? ...Daniel....... Warden?
Daniel: Yes.
Valerie: ... Have you been following me across the galaxy?
Daniel: Yes.
Valerie: You want some money?
Daniel: Yes.

Valerie reaches into her Bauer Bag and pulls out a wad of cash. She removes 200 from it and holds it out. Daniel holsters one pistol, takes the money, and counts it.

Daniel: Um? Two hundred? Out of twenty-five hundred?
Valerie: Nope.

The rest of the crew who are peripheral to this conversation look really confused.

Valerie: He was only worth five hundred dead.
Daniel: Then I want two-fifty.
Valerie: No way! I found him and took him down!
Daniel: And I saved your butt. You owe me, especially after making me chase you around the whole freakin' universe.
Valerie: Ugh. Fine.

She removes another fifty tape from her wad and hands it over.

Daniel: Why, thank you.
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
7/22/2007 10:47:08 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

Alex: Hey, you have guns.

Alex and Daniel stare back and forth for some time.

Daniel: ... Yeah?
Alex: Yeah! You could totally help us bring down this crime boss and stop an intergalactic plague or the great taste of grape, maybe!

Daniel's eyes grow serious, wide and glaring.

Alex: WHOA!

He hunches to the ground, clutching his head.

Alex: Watch where you point those things!

Daniel tries it on Leon. Leon lifts an eyebrow. Alex stands back up, wiping a bead of sweat from his brow.

Alex: So anyway, we have to go take some bad dude down. You in?
Daniel: Is there money?
Alex: Probably in his wallet.
Daniel: I'm in.

Fate steps out of the Spacehawk.

Fate: Buddy Pijtes is having a debate at the Waters Building downtown.
Alex: Awesome.
Valerie: When?
Fate: Now.

Alex blinks.

Valerie: We'd better get going, then.
Alex: I'll fly you guys there. You guys better figure out how to get this guy right fast.

They pile back into the Spacehawk and fly to the surprisingly small Waters Building, following directions Fate got from the internet. Alex orders everybody as close to the rear ramp as they can get and lands in the middle of an intersection near the building. Everybody hurries out and Alex takes the ship back to the parking lot.

Daniel: You better not botch this like the casino guy.
Valerie: shutup. We should be able to wait until the debates are over and grab him while he's leaving.
Sam: He undoubtedly has body guards.
Valerie: Well, dang it. So what are we going to do?
Sam: You're the crazy ninja bounty hunter chick. Shouldn't you know this stuff?
Valerie: On good days. But I usually just run in swinging a sword.
Daniel: I've seen it.
Valerie: shutup.

Gral groans. These people are completely unprofessional, and it's getting on his nerves.

Gral: All of you, stay here. I'll handle it.

He heads down an alley, shaking his head.

Sam: Let's let him handle it.

Leon grunts. Minutes later, Gral walks out of the alley with a man slung over his shoulder.

Gral: One of you, call us a ride.

Sam pulls out his phone and calls Alex. He answers.

Alex: What?
Sam: Bring the ship back, we have Buddy.
Alex: What?
Sam: Uh, the, uh... Lobo went in and got him.
Alex: ...Lobo?
Sam: Gaston.
Alex: Oh, right. He does look like Lobo.
Sam: I know. Bring-the-ship-back.
Alex: Right. See you in a minute.

A minute later, the Spacehawk lands in the intersection again and everybody gets in. They fly off into the upper atmosphere and stop there.


Buddy's eyelids flutter. His eyes roll down. He shifts. There is a terrible pain in his everywhere.


Buddy's eyes dart open. There are a lot of strange people standing around him.

Buddy: Who are you people?! What happened?! Did I win the debate?!
Gral: No. There are a lot of people trying to find you right now.
Buddy: Why? Was I drunk? Did I do something stupid?
Alex: Yeah, you were born.

Gral looks at Alex as if to tell him to shut up. Alex shrugs. Gral holds up a vial of "Grape Soda" in front of Buddy's face.

Gral: Does this look familiar?
Buddy: Get that away from me!
Gral: I guess so. Who's in charge of the project?
Buddy: I'm not telling you terrorists anything. You're the blighter that stole the case, aren't you?!
Sam: Who made this stuff, and why did the Teas Covert Forces have this case?
Buddy: I'm not telling you terrorists anything.
Alex: Hey Leon, think you could hold this guy up?
Leon: Yes.
Alex: Alright, you guys sit tight.

He goes into the cockpit. A minute later, he comes back out.

Alex: We are now sitting at 10,000 feet. Anybody that doesn't want to get real cold, get in the crew quarters.

Nobody moves. They have to see this.

Alex: Alright then.

He punches in the code to open the loading ramp. It gets real cold.

Alex: Leon, if you don't mind.

Leon grabs Buddy's left leg and drags him over to the loading ramp.

Buddy: You won't kill me without your information!
Alex: Well, there are a lot of other Pijteses. I'm sure a few of them know something.
Buddy: You won't do it.
Sam: Why don't they ever just talk?

Daniel bends down and grabs Buddy's wallet, which has fallen out of his pocket. Leon lifts Buddy, holding him over the edge of the ramp. Buddy looks down. His gut turns.

Leon: You're heavier than you look.

He shakes his arm, as if its getting tired, lurching Buddy. He still doesn't say a word. Leon looks at Alex.

Leon: What do you want me to do?
Sam: We could try knee-capping him first, then if he still won't talk, we'll kill him. I'm sure he doesn't deserve to live anyway.
Alex: How can you decide who does and doesn't deserve to live?
Buddy: You're not going to have a drawn out philosophical life-and-death conversation while making empty threats, are you?
Alex: Nah. I'll start above the knee. But first, hmm hmm...

He digs around a box of packing accessories and finds a small bungie cord. He walks over to Buddy and wraps it tight around his calf. He then steps back and clears leather, getting to an angle at which Leon is well out of the way, and aims above Buddy's left knee.

Buddy: No no no no no...
Alex: Come on, man. Talk. I would love to start with chemical torture and slag, but I don't have that stuff, so this is all I can do. I'm no professional interrogator, I just watch 24.

Buddy closes his eyes, trying to calm himself.

Alex: Actually, thinking about 24, I could "start cutting you and keep cutting you until you tell me what I want to know." Is that preferrable to knee-capping?
Buddy: I won't betray the family!
Alex: I'm not sure I could do the cutting. You'll recover more easily than the gunshot, but dang, is it gruesome. I really want to stop talking now, so could you just tell me where this purple stuff came from?

Leon idly lets Buddy slip in his hand a little.

Gral: Shoot him, or I will. This is ridiculous.
Alex: Well, hmm... Say, Buddy, can you feel your leg?
Buddy: What?!
Alex: Is your leg asleep?
Buddy: Umm...

Alex fires. Buddy screams.

Alex: Can't feel it though, huh?

Buddy is gibbering.

Alex: As soon as blood returns to that leg, you'll be spewin' like a garden hose. Of course, we could patch you up before that happens or somethin'. We'd figure something out. But not if you don't tell us who made this stuff.
Buddy: It's a... it's an... Altaland Security Bureau project.
Alex: Great. Government.
Buddy: Y-yes... they use the family for funding.
Gral: Who deals with relations?
Buddy: Wh... Richard.
Gral: Pijtes?
Buddy: Yes. Don't let me die.
Alex: That should be all. Leon, you can put him down now.

Leon tosses him on the floor. Alex takes the bungie cord off his leg. Buddy screams as the pain of feeling returning to his leg hits him. He nervously looks at the leg only to see there is no wound.

Valerie: This is so PG-13. Why didn't you just shoot him?
Alex: I don't know. I didn't feel up to it, I guess. Time to find Richard Pijtes.
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
7/28/2007 10:39:30 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

Alex has packed Buddy into an old wooden crate he's had sitting in the ship for months to try to keep him quiet, but the thumping of wood is only louder. He doesn't feel like ripping the nails back out, so he deals with it.

Valerie has helped herself to the cockpit computer, checking the internet for information on the Altaland Security Bureau and Richard Pijtes. The ASB seems to be widely untrusted, the subject of much literature and film, fictional and not.

Alex hears a phone ring inside the wooden crate. Slag! He grabs the claw hammer and gets to work.

Alex: Leon, Gaston, help me out!

Leon and Gral join forces to tear the lid off of the crate with their bare hands, just as Buddy has put the phone to his ear.

Buddy: Hello?!
Alex: Give me that!

He wrenches the phone from Buddy's hand.

Alex: Who is this?
Caller: Who da frag is dis?
Alex: I asked first!
Caller: You don't talk back to the Don, melon farmer!

A movie-style whine emits from the phone. Alex runs over to the loading ramp, hits the button, and squeezes the phone through as soon as possible. It falls all ten thousand feet to the ground, shattering harmlessly when it finally hits several minutes later.

Alex: ...
Leon: ...
Alex: I guess it wasn't going to explode.
Sam: I guess not.
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
8/7/2007 7:27:33 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

Valerie emerges from the cockpit.

Valerie: Richard Pijtes isn't a very secretive man.
Sam: Oh?
Valerie: He has a blog. ...On MySpace.

There is "understood laughter" in the room, though nobody actually makes noise.

Valerie: He's going to the movies tomorrow with his wife, at 5:00.
Alex: Alright, then.

Alex grins at Buddy.

Alex: We goin' after your brother, your brother, man, "Richard."

Buddy is feeling pretty low, like the heels on his alligator shoes.

Alex: But that's tomorrow. Let's go get some grub.

After eating delicious ribs, they retire to low orbit.
Leon Mecheeto Brothers in Arms
8/25/2007 1:50:21 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 45
RE: Why do I care?

Earlier at Joe's Rib Shack, Da Kru are sitting at a table scarfing delicious fall-off-the-bone pork ribs.

Leon: Alex.

Alex, whose face is slathered with barbecue sauce and also stuffed with rib meat, looks up at Leon.

Leon: What is "MySpace"?

Alex strips the bone and sets it on the waste plate. He licks his lips and begins, chuckling slightly.

Alex: It's a terribly-programmed web site where you sign up to put pictures, poorly-written text, and annoying music that everybody stops when they get there on a web page; have all your friends write poorly on your page as well; and have random 'bots using pictures of anorexic skanks ask you to be their friend because they "think" you're "hot."
Leon: I don't grasp its purpose. Why would Richard Pijtes have signed up for this... "service?"
Alex: Dude, welcome to the real galaxy. 97% of the galaxy has signed up for it. That missing 3% are you Ellixans.
Leon: It's seriously a shame that Enrique Suerton vowed that we would never again attack the galaxy.
Alex: No kidding.

Valerie raises her hand meekly.

Valerie: I... don't have a MySpace account...

That being said, they went back to their ribs.

Fast forward to later that night in low orbit.

Sam: So, do we know what theater he's going to?
Valerie: Well, no. There's something like fifteen theaters in metro-Yoakam alone. Never mind the suburbs...
Alex: Daaang.
Daniel: Does he post about going to the movies a lot? Maybe he says which theater somewhere.
Valerie: I don't know, let me see if there have been past posts...

She heads to the cockpit to access Richard's MySpace page again. She begins sifting through old posts.

Valerie: Cripes, he writes a lot of junk.

Alex comes up behind her and reads over her shoulder.

Alex: Good gravy, he blogged about the size of the dump he took.

Valerie makes a disgusted face and continues searching.

Valerie: Aha! Here's one from last week.
Alex: Does it say which theater?

Valerie sifts through the profuse text.

Valerie: ... No.
Alex: Find another one.

Daniel appears in the cockpit entrance.

Daniel: Anything?
Alex: Nothin' yet.
Valerie: I just found another post about going to the movies.

She scans it.

Valerie: Nothing. ... Wait! Here's someone who left him a comment asking where he goes.

She can feel the anxiousness building up in her gut. She scrolls down. Time has slowed down painfully. Please let him answer!

Valerie: There! Carbunkle Cinemas.

She navigates to Bing Maps and searches for Carbunkle Cinemas in Yoakam.

She does a little jig in her seat and recites an irritating diddy.

Valerie: I've got directions; I've got directions.

Alex proceeds to copy the coordinates to the ship's navcomputer for tomorrow afternoon.

They all turn in for some undoubtedly much-needed rest.

Alex stirs the next morning. He rubs his eyes to clear his vision and sees Fate and Leon standing, seemingly dead, next to a nearby wall. That creeps him out every time.

Upon hearing normal breathing, Leon and Fate awaken simultaneously.

Alex: Ugh. Alex food. Now.

He crawls pathetically to the mini-fridge to find something to eat.

He then realizes there's no breakfast food in the refrigerator. He opens a cupboard packed with boxes of cereals based on wheat, oats, and the like and dozes off for a minute. He returns to consciousness and grabs a box of Kilroy's Corn Substitute Flakes. He pulls open the security flap and pours the contents onto his face. What happens to get in his mouth, he chews.

Sam, standing over Alex, gently removes the box of cereal from Alex's grasp. Alex just chews, smiling contentedly. He then rolls over onto his face and snores. Some drool seaps from his smashed lips.

Sam: That is gross.
Gral: This is madness.
Sam: No, this is--
Gral: Shut up.

They manage to survive until 4:45 when they decide to head down to the theater.

They walk up to the entrance of the large cinema complex. Alex takes a seat on a nearby bench.

Alex: Now we wait. Got that head shot?

Valerie nods, fanning her face with a picture of Richard she printed from his MySpace page.

Leon mutters something and shakes his head.

Leon: We don't look suspicious.

Alex gives him a "What do you mean?" look.

Leon: I'll be over there.

He doesn't bother to indicate where "there" is; he just crosses the street and stands next to the bus stop. Fate and Daniel follow.

Sam begins pacing.

Alex keeps checking his watch. 4:47.

Time is so slow when you're waiting for something...

Alex keeps looking up and down the street. He begins to sweat. Dang, it's hot here. Or maybe he's just nervous?

He checks the watch again--4:50.

Gral: Man, will you stop that pacing? You're driving me crazy.

Sam doesn't acknowledge anything; he just stalks off to the side of the bench and leans against the wall, popping a fresh toothpick into the clamp that is his mouth. Critical pressures are instantly exerted upon the new pick.


Alex: Dang, he's gonna miss the movie.

Gral lets out a low growl.

Gral: Or this is the wrong theater...
Sam: They always have half an hour of advertisements before the feature.
Valerie: Here he comes.

She turns away, nodding over her shoulder. The others glance down the sidewalk and see a man in a suit with a woman on his arm heading their way.

It's Richard Pijtes and his wife Petricia.

The couple pass our heroes camped out on the sidewalk. They make their way to the ticket booth.

Alex and Valerie soon get in line behind them.

Richard: Two tickets for Born Ultimate, please.

He receives and pays for the tickets, and he and his wife enter the building.

Alex and Valerie step forward.

Alex: Two for Born Ultimate, please.
Valerie: Oh, sweetie, thank you for taking me to legitimately see this movie!

Alex glares at her. She sobers up. He pays 8 tape and they go inside.

Alex: What was that slag outside?
Valerie: Trying to make it look like we weren't following Richard.
Alex: Good work, as always.

Richard and his wife have gone to the concession stand presumably to purchase illicit drugs and alcohol--I mean snacks and drinks. Alex and Valerie linger nearby.

Richard and Patricia head down the hallway, consumables in-hand, toward the theaters. Alex and Valerie follow. They stop at a slim man who is not a day older than 11,000 years to have their tickets checked. The Pijtes proceed to the theater to which the man directed them. Alex and Valerie experience the same process.

They hang behind and eventually make it into the theater.

Valerie: This movie had better be good.
Alex: Shh.
Valerie Fas'nvak
Ex-tournament fighter/
ninja accountant

Dominion Master
8/25/2007 3:25:29 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 126
RE: Why do I care?

They sit far in the back, with a direct line of sight to Richard and his wife.

Valerie: He's going to pee in about thirty minutes.

Alex nods. He saw the size of that drink.

The theater and DLP cinema logos and advertisements are showing, indicating that the movie is just about to start.

Alex: So you follow him about--
Valerie: I'm not following him.
Alex: What? You're the--the fighter bounty hunter. I don't have any experience in abductions.
Valerie: I'm not grabbing a man out of the men's room while he's doing his business. He might pee on me.
Alex: He might pee on me!

A very burly man in front of them slowly turns around. They can tell how much holy heck he's about to unleash on them before they even see his face.

Alex: Sorry! Sorry!

The man turns back toward the screen just as slowly. Alex is shivering.

A while later, Alex looks at Valerie.

Except she's not there. He looks over at Richard. He's not there either. Crud! When did Valerie leave? He looks up at the screen.

I paid for this, dang it. I'm seeing this through.

Five minutes earlier--

Valerie has been watching Richard so hard some of his hair fell out. Then she sees it; he turns, says something to his wife, stands up, and leaves. Valerie waits until he's out of view and walks casually down the steps on the opposite side of the theater.

The bathrooms are across the hall. Making sure no one's looking, she pushes open the men's room door and steps inside. Richard is standing at a urinal... and there's someone in one of the stalls. She'd have to make the grab outside the bathroom--but there could be witnesses.

Why does she always get put in these situations?

She slips into a stall before Richard can turn around and see her. She listens intently. Soon, the urinal flushes and he heads over to the door.

He doesn't even wash his hands. Ew.

She steps out of the stall and hurries to the door, catching it before it closes itself. In hindsight, she should have figured out how this would go down before she went for it.

She swings her arm around his neck and pulls him into the alcove of the theater doorway.

Valerie: Come with me if you want to live.
Richard: Haha--acck--what?
Valerie: As in I'll kill you if you don't come with me.
Richard: Who the heck are you?!

She wrenches his neck.

Valerie: Lift your arms.

She pats him down quickly, being more thorough about his shoulders and waist. Anywhere else and she could knock him out or kill him before he even got a hold of his weapon.

Valerie: Okay, go. Don't say a word or look at anybody.

She pushes him forward.

Valerie: Turn right and head straight for the big exit sign.

She follows him very closely. She knows what he's thinking. "As soon as I get outside, I'm dead." She hopes, though, that he's just a sheep and really believes that as long as you do what she tells you, the psycho won't kill you.

He opens the door. He's complying.

Valerie: Turn left.

He pauses. She can tell he's going to pull something. He tries a spinning backfist, but she catches it easily, twists it, and kicks his leg out from under him. He plunges to the concrete, barely catching himself with his free hand.

Valerie: Get up. I don't feel like dragging you.

Across the street, Sam notices the ruckus over to the side of the building and alerts everybody. They rush over.

Sam: Where's Alex?
Valerie: Still watching the movie, I guess.
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