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anthony wiiliams
7/14/2010 12:24:24 AM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 24
RE: kar pel flew

it ur turn  karpel
advanced rpototype
7/14/2010 12:28:08 AM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 42
RE: kar pel flew

lol summer!!!!!! j/k schjool blows im typien in the dark because mom sasdi i need to be asleep but im  not goin to lol

kar'pel was amzad to see it was anthony "i am here for my destiny" karpel said and started Kinniwawa (a stance to regain his energy and recarge his ki and he started tiwrling his blade to sho anthyony he is wasnt afraid

ok anthony is ur move lol

this guy is good http://el-grimlock.deviantart.com/art/angel-20276338
anthony wiiliams
7/14/2010 12:32:03 AM

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Total Posts: 24
RE: kar pel flew

anthony spun his dethsythe around anh held out 1 hand like to brign it on "u will never get passed me karple" anthonny sed "becayse i told him i would njot fale..........., "anthony watch karple chare up his ki n kenw he wud have to do sumnthin,... saoon
advanced rpototype
7/14/2010 12:39:33 AM

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Total Posts: 42
RE: kar pel flew

kar pel yell "HIYAAAAAAAA!" and jump straight up "WHERE DID HE GO???!!" Anthyony yelled and move around trying to find Karple but he did not because karpel was now hidden waititng for the momemtn to strike........

(try to find me eanythony lol

this guy is good http://el-grimlock.deviantart.com/art/angel-20276338
anthony wiiliams
7/14/2010 12:43:45 AM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 24
RE: kar pel flew

anythony get down onj the floor an wait for karple to show up... he scyte on hsi back he knw he woud have to stikre fast n hard when karple come back out... he drew his cloke around him like a wisp of black msoke makin him hard to se... he had his heckler n kock sniper rifl to so if karple got passed he culd take him out from far,,. "karple i kno ur here" anthony said kinda loud n his  voice echo "n i told u ur not gonna get passed me"
advanced rpototype
7/14/2010 12:52:37 AM

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Total Posts: 42
RE: kar pel flew

kar pel was up hidin and he knew he had to make hisd move soon cuz nahtony would find him soon and us his scith on him but he did not see the heckler sniper rifles....

kar'pel jumped over to th eother stone monkey and a brick fell making noise "ohhhhh!!!" he got low and waited but anythiongy dident see him "sheww..." he wtached as anthony looked at the brick that fell and smash on floor "???" he said and look up...

Kar'pel was not there he lok around and got frusterated "COME OUT!!!" he yelled but kar'pel waited "i wait to strike.... NOW!!!" Kar'Pel flew down to Anythony and they collide with blades clashing in air and make noise

the battle hard and karpel step backwards onto a button hidden in the floor and a spikes shoot up almost stabing him "ha ha!" anthony said and made a kick but legacy duck under and karate chop anthony in the arm making him drop his scyth but anythony smile and point his hecker sniper riffle at kar pel "uh oh..."

this guy is good http://el-grimlock.deviantart.com/art/angel-20276338
anthony wiiliams
7/14/2010 12:59:50 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 24
RE: kar pel flew

"i goit u know infinite" anthony sed he cokc the gun n start to fire but inifite dodge!

"WHAT" anthony screaed and dfire again but he start shooten 2 fast n miss a lot "why wont u die!!!" he scream and throw teh gun an pick up his sith "i will haf 2 do this wit blades....." he growl n throw off th cloak n he wuz wearing knives n swords all over with belts n buckles "SHOW ME WHAT U GOT KARPLE!!!!" he roard
advanced rpototype
7/14/2010 1:05:57 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 42
RE: kar pel flew

"guns is useless again me anthony u no that" kar pel flip from the darknes and swipe but anthony blocked and they fight more through the temple and into a big garden and there was a tiger it came tord them snarreling

"anthony we will have to join forces against him, now" and karpel look at athony and waited t see what he wold do....

this guy is good http://el-grimlock.deviantart.com/art/angel-20276338
anthony wiiliams
7/14/2010 1:10:28 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 24
RE: kar pel flew

the ystood back 2 back n the lion circled them snareling

"this is n easey one karpel" antony said smiling aen evil esmile "u distract it n i will get on it... tihs big cat will be mien" he say

anthony jump strait up n disaper  so karple step to the side and get in his Kinipo stance the lion jump forward an take a big swipe but karple roll out the way "easy boy" he say still didnt no wat anton was doin

"ha a u wont be able to take the lion n it will be mine..." anthony said to himself laughing n karple dint no ware he was
advanced rpototype
7/14/2010 1:19:22 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 42
RE: kar pel flew

kar pel steped sidways and the tiger roard "where are yhou antn?!" he yelled and look around but anythin was noware to be scene the lion jumpt at hi m but he dodge and sliced a small cut acrodss the ear of the cat and it got angry and slashed at hgim but he backflip and crouch low on the ground smelling the dirt and hearing the wind blow "this is it..." he said with his eyes closed and a blue glow around him and his hair change color to yellow and he roar, the dinosaur which lay down and obey his commands "good tigeR" he sayd and pet him on th heead "I GOT HIM ANTON" he yelld out to let him no

this guy is good http://el-grimlock.deviantart.com/art/angel-20276338
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