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Daireem - Space
Kapitein Piet
(Ethical) Space Pirate
2/4/2009 4:22:27 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 60
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

I'll have to have a little talk with the officer-in-charge of that space station shortly. One doesn't disrespect another man's ship lightly. Humph!

Kapitein Piet reached the engineering hall at the same time as the droid. It popped out of a hatch in what used to be the floor, but to Kapitein it was a wall at the moment - he was heading along the side, skimming along the hyperdrive core towards the main reactor control valves.

"You have the best of timing, my dear!" he exclaimed. "We will need to turn both valves simulta..."BANG

A conduit just ahead ruptured explosively; the shockwave of gas expanded with elemental force in the vacuum and blew the old man past the denser spider-like robot. He bounced like a ragdoll between the hyperdrive core, the walls, and the ceiling, all the way down the hallway, and slammed into the wall at the opposite end, coming to drift listlessly in micrograv.
Jara Green
freelance fighter pilot
2/5/2009 2:20:10 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 60
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

She heard Mr. Piet's voice cut off mid sentence, and she decided to ignore Freya's rudeness.

"Mr. Piet?! Freya, what happened, can you tell? Is he still alive?"

She rolled Belladonna to give herself a view of the wreck even though it was pointless, because she couldn't see inside.
Street Fighter/Space Station
2/5/2009 4:48:50 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

Freya said, "There was an explosion, I can't tell if he survived, but given the apparent force and the bulk of his spacesuit I estimate a good chance that he is okay. Unresponsive, but okay."

As she spoke, RD-1 clawed its way through the high-pressure blast of the conduit to a valve and manually shut it off.  Things were really coming to a head when even basic things like leak mitigation failed.

RD-2, still on the outside, started clawing its way into the ship, lighting the scarred hull with cutting torches and laser drills.

Its twin reached the limp captain and touched an eye-stalk to his faceplate and beamed the image to Freya. Heuristic Algorithmic Processing started tossing observations to Executive. Eyes closed and mouth slightly open. Skin loose and uneven tone. No motion. Could the man have fallen asleep because of the blast? Was it injured? Why wasn't there a response?

Freya trawled through her knowledgebase in a frantic attempt to inform Planning so figure out what to do, but she'd never come in contact with an unconscious human before and barely even understood what that meant. Finally she cried out, "Jara, what do I do? I think he is unconscious!"

While Natural Language was speaking, Planning noted that unconsciousness had many commonalities with sleeping, so Freya Executive vibrated the eyestalk against the faceplate to produce the loud intermittent buzzing sound that many humans used to wake up in the hotel.  *BREEP BREEP BREEP BREEP*
Kapitein Piet
(Ethical) Space Pirate
2/5/2009 12:52:09 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 60
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

From a thousand million light-years away, across a sea of suns swimming in the endless black, comes the distant ringing of a faint memory... awakening in a two-bit motel after a week-long melange bender with some local crack whores... then... a return to the cosmic dark.

Kapitein Piet's eyes rolled twice in their sockets, and his face contorted, and then he became unresponsive again. It appeared he needed urgent medical attention.
Jara Green
freelance fighter pilot
2/5/2009 7:58:05 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 60
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

Freya actually sounded worried, which was a shot better than how she had seemed before, Jara was happy at least some of it was bravado. That thought seemed odd, a space station android AI posturing, and acting tough. But Mr. Piet unconscious was problematic.

"Can your bot get him out of there safely in that environment?" She knew the bots had limited movement, and in a turbulent situation like this it may not be able to.

"If it can't, note his position and try to get the ship calmed down quickly, he could be badly injured." she wished she had somewhere she could attach her fighter. "Freya do you have an autopilot function? I can open Belladonna to it and go in to pull out Mr. Piet while you shut down the ship."

She began prepping the autopilot sequence, and unstrapping herself from the cockpit in case Freya said yes.
Street Fighter/Space Station
2/6/2009 4:58:44 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

Jara's words clearly implied that Kapitein Piet's stay aboard his vessel had come to an end and he needed to be removed. The unconscious human ceased being a disconcerting object of mystery and became an irregular, soft, and fragile package that needed to go from point A to B.

"I think it is best if I take him out," said Freya. "The ship cannot be easily stabilized by one agent and is still unsafe. I will bring him out safely and then try to prevent powerplant detonation."

The first thing would be a constrained optimization of the package's dimensions.  Modelling suggested that the most stable configuration was a little ball with the arms wrapped around the knees.  The robot extruded a length of solder, used its gangly arms to scrunch the captain into the fetal position, and efficiently wrapped him into a wire cage. The cage was secured to the front of the bot, which used its eye-stalks to see around the obstacle and started moving out.  

Freya said, "Jara, I expect to be out in about three minutes through the hole that RD-2 has created. Do you have any way to get Kapitein Piet to me without the use of my robots? I need both inside the ship."
Jara Green
freelance fighter pilot
2/7/2009 6:04:36 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 60
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

Jara strapped herself back into the seat. Getting Mr. Piet to Freya without a bot was a challenging thought, made worse by the fact that he was unconscious. Any way she thought of was very risky and had a high probability of making his condition worse. Simply maneuvering the fighter was likely to rattle him anywhere but the cockpit, and she just didn't have the space to stuff another grown person inside.

"I don't know, anything I can think of is liable to make him worse. At least get him to me, and I can hold him out here."
Street Fighter/Space Station
2/8/2009 6:00:38 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

The remote droid sped through winding corridors toward the hull of the ship. It was a jolting ride, dodging debris and bouncing off the walls, but telemetry reported that the package experienced shocks of no more than two g.  Somewhere in the middle of the sprint, RD-1 passed its twin as it was heading toward the rapidly deteriorating power plant.

In three minutes, ten seconds, RD-1 shot through the tear in the hull and into open space. "Jara, RD-1 is out. I can tie or weld him onto your ship, and you can drive him back here gently."

RD-2 made it to the engine room and was greeted by the blue light of ionization of a reactor at near-critical stage.  Quickly it moved to the valves that Piet had indicated and started turning each one a little bit at a time.  
Jara Green
freelance fighter pilot
2/8/2009 4:52:52 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 60
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

Poor Bella. "Roger. I suppose welding will, lessen the bouncing Freya, that's probably the best option if you can do it without compromising the suit."

She cringed even as she said it, welding a man to poor Belladonna's armor, but this was a desperate situation. She maneuvered the fighter to a place where the bot could reach her easier.

"Sorry Bella, I'll try to make this up to you later."
Street Fighter/Space Station
2/9/2009 1:34:44 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 181
RE: Space Station F.R.E.Y.A.

RD-1 scooted up to the Belladonna and unrolled more solder.  With precise movements punctuated by the actinic flare of welding, it attached Kapitein Piet to the ship. Jara could just see the man from her cockpit and noticed that Freya was careful to put him in a place devoid of thrusters and the similarly dangerous paraphernalia that dots a space fighter.

That done, the robot thrust itself back into the deteriorating ship to join its brother in a fight against time.

Freya said, "Alright, Jara, come on over. You can land directly in the big airlock."

(I think Kapitein Piet ought to describe the outcome of the robots' actions. It was his ship but I'm getting the scraps, so I think it is up to him to decide how it all goes down)
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