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Active Plots (Alphabetical) - Updated 8/21/2010 |
Can't I Have Any Time? - (Eruantion Doriath [?], Amonost Doriath [?]) |
End of Solitude - (Verda Stelo [?]) |
No More Grape Soda - (Alex Dean [?], Samuel Jorgenson [?], Leon Mecheeto [?]) |
Questionable Means - (Tawny Black [?], Ishkan Ma'z) |
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Daireem - Cerania |
Author | Comment |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 9/2/2010 12:48:42 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | RE: Questionable Means Ishkan watched Tawny enter the building. He was starting to get suspicious of her behavior. Leaving him in the middle of the night to go across town into a creepy building. He started to wonder if she'd made up the story about their would-be assassins, or if she was in on it. Several minutes after she had walked inside, he followed her. She'd left the door open a little bit behind her so he was able to slip in without making the door groan as it had before. As he made his way further into the building, he could hear voices talking. They were echoing off the high ceiling, making it hard for him to judge where they were. He only made out words here and there, not able to really understand what they were saying. After some time, he finally made his way up to a catwalk and found them down below. He stayed in the shadows, watching while they talked. |
Fyrewyre 9/2/2010 2:58:24 PM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means "I just... Don't get it." Tawny sighed, rubbing her head. "Why are you here? And DON'T say 'to fix my eye' even if you are here to do that, I know that you wouldn't contact me when my life's in danger, from what you very well know to be your fault I might add, have me meet with you in some run-down warehouse that could collapse on us at any minute-" As if to prove her point, the warehouse groaned ominously around them. After a moment, Tawny continued. "And then offer to fix my eye FOR FREE, without some ulterior motive. So, c'mon, what do you want?" The woman smiled at her peacefully. Tawny felt an urge to punch her bubbling up in her chest, she forced it down. "Mechanic..." She growled, her voice so low as she said the name she could barely hear it herself. "I swear..." She trailed off, looking around. The Mechanic chuckled lightly into her hand. "I'm not surprised that you don't trust me to do this out of the goodness of my heart, and you're right, I do have an ulterior motive. You see, I need your help with a... Project." |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 9/30/2010 11:57:05 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | RE: Questionable Means (You should go ahead and make another post with where you want to go with the story. As of right now, there's not really anything for me to post. Ishkan is just listening in and I don't want to control what Tawny says or does... so, I can't really do anything.) |
Fyrewyre 10/1/2010 11:32:18 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means (I was planning on coming back to do that anyway, but life got kind of 'splody.) "I hate it when you're vague." Tawny fixed the older woman with a glare. "Now start explaining or I head back to the motel room and risk the mafia." The mechanic chuckled, shaking her head. "You haven't changed at all Tania." "Hey, I resent that. I've gotten at least two inches taller. And my name is Tawny." She growled the last part, clenching her hands into fists. "Now stop stalling and tell me why you want my help." The mechanic smiled, it was the type of smile that always seemed to make you feel both inferior and enraged at the same time. Tawny dugs her fingernails into the skin of her human hand in an effort to keep from lashing out at the woman. "Besides the fact that I've heard of your skills through the grapevine?" Seeing Tawny's glare, the mechanic let out a small laugh. "You have a talent for going into the most idiotic and suicidal of plans and coming out alive and, for the most part, unscathed." She cast a glance at Tawny's left hand. Tawny crossed her arms. "Okay, it's not a good answer but I know better than to expect anything useful from you. What's in it for me?" "I will not only fix your eye but upgrade it, and you'll get half of whatever money or valuable items we gain from this little adventure." The smirk on the Mechanic's face suggested that she was well aware that saying it was going to be an adventure was a load. Tawny knew the Mechanic, and she knew that hardly anything good ever came from associating with her. But still... Sometimes the possible rewards outweighed the risks. "Fine." Tawny said after what seemed like an eternity. "I'll help you-But!" She cut into the Mechanic before she could be railroaded. "Some conditions. First, you fix my eye as soon as we get off this planet." "Well, naturally, yo would hardly be much use if you couldn't see." "Second: I want to know every part of this plan before I go into it, no keeping secrets because you think it would be 'funny'." Tawny grit her teeth as she remembered the last time. "Oh, I don't intend to leave you in the dark." "And lastly, we have to stop back by my motel room before we leave." The Mechanic paused. "Okay, that one confuses me a bit. Why?" Tawny closed her eyes, thinking about every possible outcome. Off the planet, rich as can be. Yelling and fighting. On the sidewalk, a scaly figure lays in a puddle of blood... Opening her eyes once more, she looked at the Mechanic. "I have some things I need to get." |
Vega Weird Dude Dominion Master 10/8/2010 10:28:09 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 247 | RE: Questionable Means "You are planning on telling me you're leaving this time, right?" Ishkan said, climbing down a ladder that was not too far from Tawny and the Mechanic. "I do have to say, this does not look good." he finished as he stepped up to them and crossed his arms over his chest. |
Fyrewyre 10/8/2010 11:30:19 AM Level: 1 Experience: 0 Total Posts: 95 | RE: Questionable Means Tawny jolted in surprise at the voice, turning to face her companion. "Ishkan! I-I thought you were asleep." Out of the corner of her eye she noticed The Mechanic raise a gun, pointing it at the Zap'ana with a strange look on her face that Tawny had come to associate with her trying to decide whether or not to shot someone. "Mechanic, it's okay. He's n-" Tawny paused, taking a breath. "He's a friend." The Mechanic slowly lowered her gun, still eyeing Ishkan as if he were going to attack at any moment. Tawny, satisfied that the older woman wasn't going to be shooting anyone that day, turned back to Ishkan. "I... Know this looks bad, but I had to meet with the Mechanic alone." Ishkan's glare darkened. "Look, I was planning on coming out and talking to her, then being back before you got up!" He didn't believe her. Tawny sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose using her robotic hand. "Look, I swear that I was planning to-" She was cut off by the sounds of something exploding and the ground shaking to signal that it was nearby. Flipping around towards where it had come from, Tawny all but forgot about the current problem with Ishkan as she pulled out her guns. "Well, this can't be good." |
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