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Daireem - Perrenor
Phoenix in Training
3/14/2008 11:21:17 PM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 122
RE: The Reckoning

Szyren tips the top hat and curtseys prettily, wondering why she hadn’t seen it on his head earlier, figuring it might just be a shared illusion.  She winks once at the burly man in the most girly, flirtatious way she can muster, and then skips on into the chiropractor’s office on Neil’s heels.

Szyren: Hey, is Mr. Inaka the gangsta guy you were talking about earlier?  And is the chiropractor really the robot assassin in disguise, do you think?  Or is Inaka just really paranoid?

She pauses her line of questioning and looks around the room they’ve entered.  It’s a small waiting room area, with a nice, big fish tank bubbling away against one wall.  There are several cushioned chairs spread around the room, and in a cutout at the end farthest from the door is a little desk with a plump little lady stuffed behind it.  She’s staring at them, her mouth hanging open a bit.

As Szyren makes eye contact, she speaks.

Plump lady: May I help you?

Szyren nudges Neil sharply in the back.

Szyren: She doesn’t look like a killer, killer.  Let's not kill her.

Szyren chuckles at her own word play.

Sometimes you get a better perspective of things when they're up-side-down.
Neil Castle
Some Crazy Merc
Dominion Master
3/14/2008 11:36:51 PM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 125
RE: The Reckoning

Neil: Yes, do you have a, uh... coupon day? Ha ha. Ha ha ha.

His eyes widen.


He steps into the back while the plump receptionist is distracted by his Jurassic Park quotes.

Neil: I've been nearly killed by the robot assassin twice. It'll be hard to tell if it's him. Keep your eyes peeled.

He pulls out a potato peeler and throws it over his shoulder.

Neil: If he starts singing some Styx, it's probably the assassin.

A man--presumably the chiropractor--looks up at them from his desk.

Man: Uh, can I help you? You need to have an appointment--
Neil: I represent a high-profile man coming to have his back horribly mistreated by a chiropractor. Do you like Styx?
Man: ... What?
Neil: Well, that's proof enough for me. Miss Szyren, if you would keep an eye on this man to make sure he doesn't expose his tritanium endoskeleton while I'm not looking, I'll go fetch Mr. Inaka.
Phoenix in Training
3/14/2008 11:46:01 PM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 122
RE: The Reckoning

Szyren sits in the only extra chair in the room, and delightedly discovers that it is, in fact, a spinning chair like every good doctor's office should have.  She kicks her heels up and pushes herself off the wall, getting a good three full rotations before coming to a stop, face to face with the chiropractor.

Szyren: You really had better behave, Mister.

He only stares at her.  She knocks on his arm with her fist once before he pulls it away and out of her reach.  Szyren frowns.

Szyren: Just as I thought.  You didn't clang.  I don't think you're the robot assassin after all.  What a shame.

She pushes herself off the wall and spins again, spotting the good doctor like a practiced ballerina.

Sometimes you get a better perspective of things when they're up-side-down.
Neil Castle
Some Crazy Merc
Dominion Master
3/15/2008 12:40:19 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 125
RE: The Reckoning

A moment later, Neil leads Kyzer's entire crew into the back room. It's a tight fit.

Chiropractor: Uhh, is there something I should... know about, Mr. Inaka?
Kyzer: Barry, someone is trying to kill me.
Barry: Isn't that a surprise.

The chiropractor is deadpan.

Kyzer: And if you cause me one yelp of pain, you will die faster than...

He looks to one of his lackeys for help.

Lackey: Uhh...
Other lackey: A guy with a TMP in a Michael Mann movie.
Kyzer: Whatever he said. Now if a robot assassin comes through that door--

He points to the office door.

Kyzer: I expect you to be ready with kung fu chiropracting to break him apart. If not, we'll pump him so full of lead he'll be able to survive nukes. Uh, if he wasn't already dead from getting shot so much. And then we'll shoot you too because you couldn't protect me. Isn't that right?

He cues his crew to answer. The room is awash with affirmations.

Kyzer: Right. So I've got this pain in my back when I slouch in my easy chair and I want you to fix my back so that doesn't happen.
Barry: Right.
Phoenix in Training
3/15/2008 12:53:32 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 122
RE: The Reckoning

Szyren swivels in the swivel chair a few more times and then leaves the room packed full of people.  By her estimation, it will probably be about half an hour, enough time to do a little recon.  She'll start with the chiro-secretary, though the woman is probably useless.

Szyren sits on the edge of the desk, the plump woman looks up at her, frowning with distaste.  There's a little pin on her collar that reads: Emilia.

Emilia clears her throat.

Emilia: There are plenty of chairs for you to sit on.  Please get off my desk.

Szyren complies with an short apology and pulls over the closest chair.  Emilia still does not look happy.

Szyren: Have you ever heard of a man named Starch?
Emilia: No, I can't say I have.
Szyren: Are you sure?

Emilia fixes Szyren with a disgruntled glare.

Szyren: Fine.  Do you know where I can find some pirates?
Emilia: Listen, miss, I don't know what you're trying to pull--
Szyren: I'm really very serious.

Emilia continues to glare.

Emilia: I'm really very busy right now.

Szyren takes the hint and replaces the chair in its rightful position, moving over to the fish tank where she begins to count.  Out loud.

Szyren: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.

Emilia returns to work in a huff.

Sometimes you get a better perspective of things when they're up-side-down.
Neil Castle
Some Crazy Merc
Dominion Master
3/15/2008 1:21:55 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 125
RE: The Reckoning

Neil is sufficiently certain that the five bumbling men in the office will block any sniper fire through the blind-covered windows. He pokes his head out of the office and looks around. The receptionist, who Neil has affectionately dubbed "Rotunda," looks coldly at him.

Emilia: You!

Neil looks over his shoulder for whom of which Emilia could be speaking. Seeing no one, he looks back at her and steps fully out of the doorway.

Emilia: I don't appreciate you trying to fool me. I'm going to have to ask you to not patronize our offices in the future.
Neil: Okay.

Emilia is satisfied with this answer and returns to what she was doing--probably playing Spider Solitaire.

Neil walks over to the fish tank and bends over to stare at them.

Neil: One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.

He realizes Szyren is also standing there.

Neil: Oh. I didn't see you there.
Mind Destroyer
3/15/2008 1:54:24 AM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 58
RE: The Reckoning

   He walked into a weapon store and browsed through the selection. Truth picked out two smoke grenades(one Cg and other Pt) one flashbang grenade and another cable for the pairell. The shopkeeper eyes him then says " that'll be 240 tape whatcha gonna do with that stuff?". Truth pays him and then grins "I'm going to kill some rats and I couldn't find any rat poisen...". Truth leaves the store and proceeds to walk into the building across from the chiropracter making sure he used the back entrance.
   Truth found a suitable location and knocked on the door. No one answered so he kicked down the door and proceeded over to the window. He set up the Waith and assembled his other rifle and set it down. He saw Szyren and Neil "where are you Kyzer...? where are you...? Cripes! he must be in the backroom gahh and I wouldn't rely on just two bodygaurds I would have a small army in there...". Truth loaded the Pairell and taped the flashbang to the back of the magnet (he found some tape that he liberated). He activated the flashbang and fired the Pairell into the chiropractors office.

   He grabbed his rifle and ziplined down the cable into the front room. He activated the Cg smoke grenade. He threw one at Neil hitting him in the shin. Truth ignoring the screams of surprise ran towards the back room kicking in the door and throwing the Pt grenade in. He activated his infared vision and charged into the room staying well off to the side of the underlings fire. He ran behind them and drew his pistol ppointing it to the back of Kyzer's head and the smoke dissapated. He then found himself with his pistol pointed at Kyzer and his rifle aimed at the closest gaurd. Then he realized he was trapped with everyone of their guns trained on him. Truth yelled "I have better reflexes then all of you and before the bullet leaves your barrel Kyzer will have already been killed along with whoevers unlucky enough to be shot by my pulse rifle!".

your mind is my playground
Neil Castle
Some Crazy Merc
Dominion Master
3/15/2008 1:19:50 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 125
RE: The Reckoning

(Without the cable, your total was 185 tape. A Pairril round doesn't need to be 55 tape. Wink I'll charge you 10 for the Pairril round, so your total instead comes to 195.

Unless you want to pay 55 tape for a cable. Grin)

Neil is rather surprised by the loss of his hearing, replaced by a steady ringing. Something hard hits him in the shin.

Neil: Ow!

And now he can't see through a bunch of yellow smoke.

Neil: Cough cough.

He can't hear himself. Using his amazing powers of observation, he does manage to fumble his way to the door of the back room. He opens it and steps inside, only to be met with a cloud of orange smoke.

Neil: Dang.

He can start to hear gunfire, but that serves to delay his recovery from the flashbang.

Kyzer: Merc!

Unable to hear Kyzer, he just walks forward, directly into a wall.

Okay, he thinks. There's probably a robot assassin in here. My best option is to... Take a gun out.

He takes a gun out. An SA44, to be exact. He wishes he had his Mossy, but that's in a bag in a dumpster somewhere. Note to self: carry Mossy more. His hearing is starting to come back, and the smoke is thinning. He can see the other people in the room.

Neil: Hi, guys.

The guy in front of Truth's Pulse Rifle raises his hands slowly and backs away.

Kyzer: Wuss! Merc, give me a hand, will ya?
Neil: I need mine, sorry. This is one giant... undulating pickle. And I have no idea what undulating means.
Phoenix in Training
3/15/2008 7:09:21 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 122
RE: The Reckoning

Szyren, thanks in great part to her shades (which she wears at all time for instances just like this), isn't effected by the flash part of the flashbang grenade, but the bang part leaves her a little hard of hearing.  Sticking her thumb in her mouth, she blows out hard and pops her ears, regaining some of her hearing, only to be blinded by yellow smog.

Szyren: What kinda bullslag is this?

Removing her shades, she sets the pack down and rifles through it until she finds a set of firecrackers and the only other red rocket she's completed.  As the other room explodes in orange smoke and screaming ensues, she unrolls the length of firecrackers and spreads them out on what, she believes, is Emilia's desk.  Emilia is nowhere to be seen.

She hears the robot talk and positions him in the room.  She sets the rocket up, aiming it directly at where she thinks he is.  It might have to go through a peon bodyguard to get to him, but she's willing to take that risk.  As the smoke slowly thins, she can see for sure that rocket's aim is true to her target.

Without second thought, she lights the crackers--

Szyren: Hey! Everyone eat dirt! Now! Or I'll make you!

--and they sound off, on cue, like a machine gun.  A second later she lights the tail end of the red rocket, and offers up a silent prayer that if she hits anyone who isn't made of metal, it's the bodyguard who doesn't brush his teeth.  Though, it would mostly likely tear right through him, given the obscene amount of fuel and powder Szyren used to make it.  The red rocket is, very literaly, a rocket.  Stopping it, or even altering its flight path, would be a feat of incredible strength, beyond that of even the bioshell.

Szyren spins behind a chair and covers her ears with her hands.  She's laughing.  The rocket launches flawlessly.

Sometimes you get a better perspective of things when they're up-side-down.
Mind Destroyer
3/15/2008 7:59:57 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 58
RE: The Reckoning

   He is stunned by Szyren's action he yells "are you mad!?". Truth Jumps to the side hitting the ground he decides to take advantage of the situation and shoots a gaurd in the shoulder. He then quickly locates everyone without wasting a second he keeps his gun trained on Kyzer and waits for the boom.

your mind is my playground
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