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6/27/2011 8:17:06 PM

Level: 1
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Total Posts: 1

Stamp of Character ApprovalCharacter Name:
Geneva A-1

Age:18(physical appearance) 26(actual age)



Build: Thin but designed to be very attractive
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 270
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Gray
Skin color: White
Personality: She was programmed as a droid to "live and learn" overtime though she has come to enjoy combat. Her emotions may seem very real at times but it is merely her programming. Geneva also loves company since her creator has left her to go off on her own. She is always wanting to call someone a friend.
Clothing: Due to being an android and not really needing to wear clothes she always prefers to wear a small shirt and small pants unless she needs to wear appropriate attire for the weather.

Geneva A-1 was built for no other reason than her creator testing how much he knew. She had been loved by her creator, but he only loved her as much as a scientist loved a successful experiment. For 25 years she was undergoing constant updates and bug fixes but she was active nonetheless. During the last year she has been free do to as she wishes and she tends to enjoy her freedom.

People have tried to take advantage of her but she has always remember the appropriate price or things of the like. Once she had almost been reprogrammed but she noticed right away and hit the man away from her. She had entered a sparring arena once and then realized that she could excel in fighting and she is now doing her best to master the beam saber. She seems to be functioning well and achieving her primary programming to "live and learn."

Corman-Falee Beam Saber
Lern 42
Orion holocommunicator
Orion Personal Defensive Shield
Dress Clothes
Casual Clothes

Model: 556A GreyWolf
Manufacturer: Vansid AeroSpace / Price Metalworks
Type: Fighter
Field: Space, atmosphere
Hyperdrive: Short-range Morris Driveyards SR-PIM Drive
Life Support: No
Artificial Gravity: No
Weight Class: Light
Armaments: 2x light ion racks / 1x missile rails
Hey Claudius...
You killed my father.
Big mistake.

Dominion Master
7/30/2011 12:29:07 AM

Level: 25
Experience: 65000

Total Posts: 691
RE: Geneva

Stamp of Character Approval

Schwarzenegger is... HAMLET
Daireem - Geneva
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