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Daireem - Wist
Alex Williams
Captain and Opportunistic Adventurer
4/19/2007 9:55:54 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 64
The Dead Marine's Mission

Alex and his friends walked toward one of the last standing buildings inside of a thick wall encircling a small section of the once proud vacationing city of Palm River. A crude banner hung from it that said, "'Visitor' Center and HQ". They made their way inside of it. In just a few seconds, they were approached by a marine. He wasn't very big, but it didn't matter; he had a large fire-arm on his back, and he didn't seem the type to be afraid to use it.

"Visitors? Why on God's green Old-Earth would you come here?" The marine stated, and Alex wasn't sure if he should answer, or if it was a rhettorical question. "Personal business I guess you could say." Alex replied. The marine smirked, then said, "Alright, whatever. Just know that if you get ambushed and torn to shreds by Rippov, we won't just come running to help." Alex nodded, "Understood." He stood silent for a second, then asked the question he'd really wanted an answer for, "So, how the heck do you keep this little plot of land Rippov free?" "Simple," the marine started, "We have a disgustingly thick wall, manned round the clock by marines with very deadly weapons to repel any attackers coming at us. And we prevented them from digging up from under us, atleast for now, with several feet of a mixture we call 'Diacrete'. It's a mixture of several different minerals and the like, and the end result is a virtually impenatrable wall or floor. Though, the Rippov are determined and resourceful.. We're not sure how long this stuff'll last." Alex nodded acknowledgemeant at the long-winded explaination, then asked, "Is there anyone named Jon around here?" The marine put on a face for a moment, thinking, then said "No, not that I know of. Check out the bar, or anyone in the visitor center if you're looking for someone. Other than that, I doubt they're alive." Alex thanked him, and they set off to look through the visitor center. Only a few civilians there, refugees that'd miraculously survived, but none were the man Alex was looking for.

They walked around till they found the bar, but no one was there either, not even a bartender. So they went back outside of the 'Visitor Center' and sat on the large steps off to the side. "This is a load of dirt!" Alex said, "I do not want to leave this rock with nothing. I swear that if that napkin was a prank, I'll go back and find that punk and beat him to a pulp!" Alex's group said nothing, since most of them had voted against coming in the first place, but they knew better than to say 'I told you so.' Alex drew a ciggarette from his pack, and so did Mel and Marcus. They sat in silence, Alex brooding and the rest of them wondering if they really would be leaving with nothing.

After Alex had finished his cig and flicked the butt into the dirt, a scrawny kid approached him. "Uhh, is your name," He looked down at a piece of paper, "'Alex Williams'?" "Yeah, what of it?" The kid took an envelope from his pocket and handed it to him. "I was told to give this to you when you got here. You would've been greeted by the sender when you got here, but he's presumably dead. He wrote this in case he died before you got here." Alex took it, then gave the kid some change. "Thanks kid. Why are you here? You're too young to be a soldier." The kid looked at the ground and said, "My parents are dead sir.. I was lucky enough to be picked up by marines and able to come here. I can't leave, so this is my life now." Alex just looked and said, "Oh, sorry, I didn't know." THe kid smiled and walked off, without another word.

Alex sat a moment, feeling like a jerk for asking such a stupid question, when Melissa pushed him with her foot. "Come on Alex, read it! Let's see if we are gonna stay or go already." "Oh, right." Alex said, opening the envelope and reading the letter aloud to his crew. "'Dear Mr. Williams. You're probably reading this because I'm dead. That's alright, my reason for asking you here doesn't require me to be alive. This is a matter of history. Long story short; my father was a friend of your mother. They were the best of friends years ago, and he grew up on Perranor. He loved that planet, despite it's faults, and his dying wish a year ago was that I take his ashes back to his home planet. I would've done it myself, but because I was selfish I never found time to do it. And then with the Rippov invasion, I couldn't leave. If you go procure his ashes from my old residence, you may take everything of value from my old home. I have stashed away a little over one thousand Tape, and I have a few weapons in my home too. I know it's not much to take such a dangerous endeavor, but it'd let my father's soul Rest In Peace. My old apartmeant is only a few miles from the base you landed at, but it will be dangerous. If you accept, my old home is in the basemeant level of the old 'Friendly Dog Apts.', a large set of white stone apartmeants. The first level should atleast still be standing, and they're easy to find in the area. Thank you for your time and effort. Sincerely, Jonathan Lewis.'" Following Jon's name was a set of left-right street directions leading out of the base, and a string of numbered labeled as the apartmeants' building access key code.

"So..." Alex started, folding the letter back up, "What do you guys think?" Marcus was the first to say anything out of the group, "I dunno. A thousand tape and some guns? I mean yeah, the guy's got reason to have us do this but still.. I mean if you wanna go sure, but I think it's a little bit of a silly reason for so much risk." Mel piped up next, "I vote we go. It's a man's last wish we're talking about here! And besides, if we stick together it shouldn't be too dangerous. We'll just have to be quick and alert, and have eachother's backs." Alex then looked at Nate. "What do you think Nate? Stay or go?" Nate sat a moment, then said, "I think we should. It'll be more dangerous than Mel thinks, for sure, but I personally don't want to cross this man's father's ghost now. It would be one thing to have never come at all. But now that we're here and read the note, we're fully aware of the kind and pure request this dead marine has asked. It'd be stupid to just say 'no'." Alex tucked the note away and said, "Alright. Then it's settled. We'll leave in an hour." They all agreed, then began re-checking their supplies and weapons.
Alex Williams
Captain and Opportunistic Adventurer
4/23/2007 9:11:33 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 64
RE: The Dead Marine's Mission

They left the base after only 30 minutes, all of them eager to get the job done and leave the morbid planet. They all carried the AK-47 as a primary weapon, Alex had a Lern energy pistol for a side arm, and Mel and Nate carried Rock Island Armory 1911A1's as their side arms. Marcus didn't have a side arm, but carried a few flares and some other survival items. They left from the North gate, and began making their way according to the directions.

"Alright," Alex said, "It says go north down this main street for about one mile, then we go left on Market Boulevard for a half mile, then take a right up Lee Way for another mile, until we see the Apartmeants on the right corner of Lee and Fifth. Easy!" Nate smirked and said, "Don't jinx it Alex. We all have to expect the worst. If we expect it to be easy, we'll get torn apart in a second." They all nodded in agreemeant as they walked on. A few more steps, and they heard a strange noise, and a low rumbling. They all went low and hid behind a wrecked car, as Nate peered over to see if anything was there. A moment later he ducked again and started to ready his weapon. "DIRT! Mountain Jesus, a swarm of grimlins are heading this way down the road. We have about thirty seconds before they're on top of us. Ready your weapons!" And with that, they did, quickly.

"Alright, on three." Nate said, "One. Two... THREE!" By the time Nate said three, the rumbling was unmistakable, and a moment later was accompanied by the sound of gun fire as well. They all rose around the car, and started firing precise shots into the oncoming horde. "AAaahh!" Marcus yelled as he fired, taking down three in a short burst. There must've been fifty or so of the grimlins, but they were stopped short in just a few seconds as four AK's fired upon the group. After they were all dead or incapacitated, the group moved forward, Mel and Nate using their 1911A1's to kill the few wounded ones. "Alright, good job people." Alex said as he popped out his clip and replaced it, then proceeded to top-off his half used clip with rounds. Nate nodded good job to them too, and they continued down the street.

They continued down the main street, and got onto Market without any more encounters. They heard strange noises, and a few times watched as Reapers or a small pack of grimlins would scurry across the roads from building to building far ahead. They made it half way down Market, when they heard low growling coming from a nearby alley. Alex threw up a fist to signal stop, as they surveyed the area. Alex had point, with Mel and Marcus in the middle, and Nate at the rear. Marcus reacted first, catching the two Reapers barrelling towards the group. "REAPERS!" Marcus cried as his AK went up and he shot a burst into the first creature. It screamed in anger and pain, but kept coming. By now the others had raised arms and were firing, Nate and Alex shooting the one behind, Mel helping Marcus take down the wounded one. Under two streams of bullets, the creatures died and collapsed, the first one only a foot away from Marcus as it skid a bit as it crashed. Marcus was shaking a bit, unnerved from the creature's vicious and blood curdling screams. Alex came up to him and patted him on the shoulder, bringing him back to reality. "You're alright man. Good job spotting them. You saved us a second that might've costed us our lives." Alex smiled at him until he returned it, and they started moving again.

They continued down Market, and stopped one time and looked up as a bunch of Pachees fly above. "That'll make take off fun..." Alex said with sarcasm, and they finally got to Lee. They turned, and started making their way down the final leg of the journey toward the Apartmeants.

"So Alex," Mel said, starting them all a bit. "Jeez, you guys are too nervous!" She said laughing, "Anyways, Mister Captain Man, what do you want to do after we're off this rock? I mean I'd love to make a living doing good deeds for dead Marines, but come on... We can't always have our way." She finished with a smile, and Alex chuckled. "I really don't know. We'll have to see what that girl wants when we get back to the ship. After this we're heading back to Perranor to cast the man's ashes, and after that, well.. We'll see what ideas she has of where to go. Depending where, we might find work there..." They all pondered for a minute, then the others took turns pitching out ideas of what to do, where to do it, and why the other's ideas weren't profitable enough or just plain stupid. Alex kept quiet though, and listened to the others as they talked amongst themselves, still making their way down the street.

They came across a single grimlin along Lee, and Marcus took it out with a single shot from about Fifty yards away. Alex handed him his pack of smokes, having lost the bet that him and Marcus had quickly assembled. "You're getting better ya punk." Alex said with a grin as he thumped Marc on the shoulder. They came upon the apartmeants without another incident, and they cautiously made their way to the door. Alex punched in the sequence, and the door light went green, but for some reason instead of opening, it made a nasty grinding noise and only opened about an inch. "Dang it!" Alex said as he tried to pry it open further. "I knew it wouldn't be nice and easy getting in..." They then made their way around the perimiter of the building, trying to find a window that wasn't boarded up. They finally came up on one about half way down the side of the building. They rolled a nearby dumpster up below the window for easy access, and Nate climbed up and kicked the glass and it shattered. They went in one by one, Nate checking the room to see if it was clear, and the rest of them filing in.

They gathered together in the small room and decided on a plan of action. "Alright," Nate said, "The hallway is fairly narrow, two could walk side by side and block the hall. It's fairly dark, but not pitch black or anything. I'd suggest using flashlights if it was darker, but using lights might only attract any Rippov in the building. Alex will take point again, with Mel close behind him on his side, with Marcus behind her and I'll take rear." They agreed, and they started checking their weapons and topping off any clips that were missing rounds, getting ready to make their way to the basemeant...
Alex Williams
Captain and Opportunistic Adventurer
4/24/2007 7:23:13 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 64
RE: The Dead Marine's Mission

After they prepared themselves, they moved into the hall in the agreed formation. They made their way in the direction of the main entrance, moving with quiet footsteps barely making a sound in the quiet and dim hall. Alex had his AK raised, pointing straight ahead of him. Marcus and Mel had theirs half raised, ready to take aim in a moment's notice. Nate had his half raised too, keeping an eye out behind him and his ears open for any sign of Rippov trying to ambush them.

They peered into empty rooms as they went on by them. Some had corpses in them, from people that had starved to death in hiding. A few others had torn remains of humans mauled by Rippov. And others were just empty, devoid of life and adding to the creepiness of the place.

Mel started breathing a little heavy, her eyes darting towards shadows and she jumped when Alex coughed a bit. Alex turned and said, "Mel, relax. Just keep your eyes and ears alert. We're fine." "I swear, I can almost feel creatures breathing on me! I keep thinking that I see them in the shadows.." Mel replied, her voice shaking a bit. "It's ok," Alex started, "You're just nervous. Don't let the surroundings get to you. It's just like any other dark building. Nothing's gonna pop out of the shadows, we'll hear them and be prepared way before they can get us." Mel nodded, pulled herself together a bit, and they continued down the hall.

A minute later, they came to the main entryway, and followed the sign pointing to the stairs. They got to the stairway, and Alex stopped them. "Ok," Alex said, "We'll turn on our lights because we have no windows and the lights are out. There're only a few rooms down here, so it should be in and out." Alex then slung his AK's strap over his shoulder to keep it in place, drew his Lern and turned on his Mag Lite, and they started down the stairs.

They got to the small hallway at the bottom, lined with two rooms on either side, and one at the end of the hall. They quickly walked down and checked the names on the doors, and the room at the end of the hall was labeled, 'Lewis'. "Alright, here we are people." Alex said as he opened the door and went in first, quickly surveying the one-room flat. Nothing dangerous was in here, besides the energy rifles leaning against the wall, the Glock 18 on the bed, and a box labeled 'frag' underneath the bed. "Aha!" Alex exclaimed, and the others grinned and declared their happiness at the find. Alex grabbed the box from underneath the bed and opened it. "Alright!" Alex said. "What's in there boss?" Marcus asked as Alex responded, "Ten frag grenades my friend, and it looks like..." Alex quickly pulled the money from the bottom of the box and counted it, "Fifteen-hundred Tape lining the bottom!" They ALL let out a little hurray for that, and they began deciding how they'd carry the weapons and ashes.

After they distributed the items, with Marcus carrying the ashes, box of grenades and money in his back pack he had, and tucking the glock in his pants, and Nate and Alex securing their AK's to their backs and carrying the Lanus Arms Pulse Rifles, they made their way back up to the first floor. They began back towards the nearest room on the front of the building to kick out the window and leave, when Nate pointed to a sign on the wall. It said, 'Parking Garage'. "Well, it's worth a look right?" Nate asked, and the others agreed, figuring it'd be faster and safer to outrun Rippov in a car than on foot. They proceeded away from the main entrance, to the door leading to the garage for the tenants.

The group went through the door into the poorly lit garage. Most of the cars were gone, and most of the ones there were beaten up and/or partially destroyed. They tried one of the nicer looking fordor hover cars, but it wouldn't start. "Hey, there's a truck back here!" Marcus yelled a ways away, and they jogged over to him. Marcus hopped in, fiddled with some of the wires then inserted his illegal starter into the ignition. He turned it, and it sputtered a minute, but then the truck started as the started did it's job. "Alright! Good job Marcus!" Mel exclaimed as she climbed in the passenger seat, and then Alex and Nate got in the back and took positions at the back corners of the bed. "Alright," Alex said to Marcus through the window, "Let's haul junk like there's no tomorrow back to the base Marcus!" "Aye aye captain!" Marcus said with a grin, as they barrelled out of the garage and onto the street. They started back tracking the way they'd come, all of them feeling good about the job they'd done.

They were almost to the corner of Lee and Market, when something slammed into the side of the truck, catching them off guard. Alex looked in the direction and yelled, "Grimlins!" As the rest of the pack narrowly missed the truck, the pack slamming into objects on the other side of the street, due to momentum. They immediately turned and pursued them, baring down on them with ferocious speed. Alex and Nate pulled up their AK's and fired at the group of Grimlins. Grimlins fell, and the other Grimlins tripped and stumbled over their fallen friends, but pursued with maniacle drive. Alex and Nate kept firing, but were surprised when Marcus made a sharp swerve that almost sent Alex flying out the bed. "What the heck Marcus?!" Alex yelled as he kept firing at the grimlins. "Some Reapers were in the road! I didn't want to try and bowl 'em over! Didn't wanna ruin the truck and get stuck in a group of these jerks!" And then, the Reapers were pursuing them too. 'Holy dirt! This is gonna be a heck of a ride!' Alex thought to himself as he ejected his empty clip and replaced it...
Alex Williams
Captain and Opportunistic Adventurer
4/25/2007 9:40:48 PM

Level: 1
Experience: 0

Total Posts: 64
RE: The Dead Marine's Mission

Alex's AK clip clicked into the gun, and Alex began firing once again. A moment later Nate replaced his clip and resumed firing, shooting one of the Reapers right in the head, causing it to fly back into the group of pursuing beasts. 'Another pack of Grimlins must've joined in!' Alex thought as he fired, 'We've killed so many already, but they just keep coming!' And come they did; the grimlins weren't backing down, and a few of them were sprinting as fast as they could to catch them.

Just then, a grimlin flung himself forward, and grabbed the bumper of the truck. It quickly scrabbled over the tailgate and lunged at Nate. "OH DI-! AAAHH!" Nate screamed as the creature bent down and latched onto Nate's thigh and scratched at his leg. "GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!" Nate started yelling as he tried to get it off him by beating it with the butt of his AK. Alex quickly raised his AK at the grimlin and fired, causing half it's head to burst as the round penetrated. It flopped over, releasing Nate from it's terrible grip, and Nate immediately brought his leg up closer to himself. "Dang it! That son of a blighter!" Nate exclaimed as Alex went over to him and stood in front of him. "Patch yourself up!" Alex said, firing a long burst into the oncoming horde, dropping many of them. "I gotcha covered!" Alex then continued firing, widdling down the numbers of the pack slowly but surely.

They were almost to the end of Market, just about two hundred yards from the turn onto the main street by now. Nate had managed to patch his thigh up with a length of fabric and several bunches of bandage material to soak up the blood and stop the bleeding. The scratches on his leg weren't bad, nothing to be concerned about. "Alright Alex! I'm good!" Nate said as he picked himself up a bit so he could resume his position. Alex nodded and slid over to the other side and took a few more precise shots from his AK. There were only about ten grimlins left now, and no others had joined in the chase. Alex looked over and saw Nate lining up a shot, with the Pulse Rifle. Nate grinned and said, "Those slags'll see what it means to attack a Fiend!" And with that, he aimed and fired a round from the rifle, hitting a grimlin square in the chest. It flew back with the force of the energy bolt, and Nate laughed in delight at his new toy. "Dang son! This thing's a kick in the butt!" He continued laughing, and Alex watched as he finished off the pack of grimlins with a smile.

After the grimlins were dead, they were half way down the main street, almost to the base and home free. "So Nate," Alex said, "That thing better than a good ol' AK?" Nate just smiled and said, "Heck yeah brothah, WAY better!" Alex smiled, and Marcus shouted back to them, "We're home free guys! We're coming up on the base in just a minute." Marcus continued driving, but Alex still kept a look out for Rippov. After all, he wasn't gonna feel totally home free until they were up in space, heading back to Perranor.

They made it back to the base without incident, and they made it safely inside of the base's walls. A few marines eyed them with suspicion, but said nothing and let them pass. They drove the truck they'd procured over to their ship, and Marcus and Mel climbed out of the cab and went to the back, opening the tail gate. Alex helped Nate up, and helped him to the edge of the tail gate. Mel and Marcus made sure he didn't fall as he hopped down, and they helped him to the ship. The Marine that had greeted them in the Visitor Center came over to Alex. "Ahh, I see you're still alive. Did you find what you came for?" Alex watched the others help Nate inside to make sure he was ok, then turned and said, "Yeah, and a lot more too." The Marine smiled, saying, "Well, atleast he's not dead. You guys are either really lucky, or skilled. Either way, you all would've made good soldiers. Good luck in your future endeavors, and watch out for Winglies when you leave. If you don't go too far from the area when you take off, you shouldn't encounter more than a few." The Marine smiled, and began walking away, waving to Alex with his back turned. Alex returned the gesture, even though he couldn't see it, and then got onto his ship with his crew.

Once inside, Alex made sure they had all their reward, then him and Marcus put the AKs and Pulse Rifles in their Armory. He checked on Nate, who was sitting up in his bed to keep his leg elevated while Melissa administered some dis-infectant and soothing liquid to make him more comfortable. "Prepare for take off guys." Alex said as he made his way for the cock-pit. Scott was already there, ready to take off at Alex's order. "Alright buddy, take us home to Perranor." "Why there?" Scott asked. "Just set course for there, I'll explain later." Scott nodded, and began preperations for take off. A minute later, they began rising, and started flying up towards space. They were hit a few times by Pachees, causing a slight bump and a thud throughout the ship, but they made it to space, safe and sound. When they could, Scott turned on the hyperdrive, and they then flew forward, well on their way to Perranor...
Hey Claudius...
You killed my father.
Big mistake.

Dominion Master
5/9/2007 11:29:33 PM

Level: 25
Experience: 65000

Total Posts: 691
RE: The Dead Marine's Mission

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